Sat Jun 4, 2005

Health Group- week 51


I am anxiously awaiting my juicer! Here’s my first tray of wheatgrass in progress. I let the girls chew on a blade to get a feel for the taste, because watching it grow was overwhelming their curiosity. Their first response was a predictable, “Ewwwww“, but they kept coming back for more. I take that as a good sign. Nate keeps making jokes about “sitting around, watching the grass grow”, but the truth is, it does! It changes hour to hour. The life force coming from what I have mainly used for grinding into bread flour is astonishing. Fun for the whole family!

I am still sick, so I haven’t been exercising. I’ve snuck in some physical therapy exercises here and there, but that’s all. I can’t WAIT to be back!

What have you got?

Next week will be our 52nd week of Health Group, meaning one whole year! What should we do to celebrate?

8 Responses to “Health Group- week 51”

  1. Nicole Says:

    Just a comment on your “wheel” situation…

    I go to a lot of fiber shows and see lots of spinning wheels, some in various states of use. Have you ever considered trying to buy a floor model spinning wheel? I watched a lady strike up a very, very good deal with the gentleman selling them at a fiber show last weekend. The wheel was in excellent shape and she paid approximately 2/3 retail for it.

  2. Elspeth Says:

    Uh, how about a cake for our anniversary! Just kidding. I’m still in my plateau or whatever phase. That is, I’m way too tired to eat as well as I should but I am exercising. Thank you so much for keeping me motivated! Good luck on your grass juicing!

  3. Kristel Says:

    I’ve had a good week. Lost a bit over a pound again, which is more than I’m aiming at, though I haven’t really been excercising. Still holding on to the “candy day” idea, and trying to eat more vegetables and less fat. Slow and steady is good, though it is a bit depressing to think that with this pace I’ll reach normal weight in two years or so… More, if I slip back to my old habits.

  4. Jenny Says:

    Well! I am feeling a bit deflated! A good friend called me today. I don’t get to talk to her very often now that she moved. I excitedly said that I finally found a diet that is working for me. She interupted me with “I lost 55 pounds!” She says it is due to having a stomach virus, and falling in love. Hmph!
    I did lose 3 pounds this week, for a total now of 16 pounds. That is in only one month…..from May 3 to June 3. This week I was able to bring out 5 tops that have not been outside my cupboard in at least three years, if not longer. I was also able to fit into underwear that was languishing in my drawer. All of this is very exciting!
    My email pal also started on this diet, after hearing of my success with it. She got the book, and after several days, she is amazed at how much better her clothes fit her.
    I can’t believe it has been a whole year!! That means it took me close to a year to finally find something that works. How about we each list some reasons why we want to lose weight?? Besides being motivating, I bet it would be interesting. For instance, last fall I took a class in CPR. I had to get down on the floor to show how I would go through the steps. I thought I would pass out from the effort of leaning over my big belly to get to the dummy on the floor!! I was actually too breathless myself to give anyone CPR. In fact, I joked that I would need CPR ! That sure made me realize how much I needed to lose weight.
    I hope you feel better real soon!

  5. Dani Says:

    I haven’t lost any weight again this week, but it’s all good. I exercised for seven more minutes this week. That makes 52 minutes. It’s not much but I’m slowly inching up to my 3-hours-a-week goal.

  6. Katie Says:

    Well, I actually went back to the gym this week… once. But, it’s a start. I also made a bunch of healthy frozen dinners yesterday so I can just pull them out whenever and not have an excuse to go out to eat. I’ve actually managed to put on 7 lbs during this whole moving process, so I’m feeling a bit discouraged. I keep telling myself though that once we settle into a routine here it will be easier to focus on my diet and exercise again. Hope so!

  7. Lee Anne Says:

    Oh my…this reminds me of a team building exercise my old company did with my department. I can taste the wheatgrass! I used to love the smell of it but had a bad experience with the team building exercise and now that is what comes back when I smell fresh cut grass…ew!

    Anyway, had to laugh when I saw this. I need to go back and read what you gals are doing so I can see if it will work for me too! I think you should all treat yourself to a day at the spa or a pedicure or something fun and girlie for the one year anniversary. No food involved to spoil it all. 🙂

  8. FYRKRKR Says:

    I vote for the pedicure idea. I’d really love one! I have a saying that I put up in my office area that I see everyday, that is a good reminder for me and it seems to fit here.

    “A year from now, you may wish you had started today.”

    I know that a year ago I was looking to change my body (and the year before that and the year before that) so I have had to review what I have and have not done to make changes that will bring about those desired results THIS year.

    I worked out twice this past week. I started a new video series called Yogs Booty Ballet and it doesn’t have too many knee bends so I think I will be OK. I also saw the orthopedist and he said I did no permanent damage to my hip but wants me to do physacal therapy. I also got a thing called the “Miracle Ball Method” that is for stretching and toning. They are little balls, the size of grapefruit. So far so good. And I am down to 203.5. I’m happy!

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