Wed May 11, 2005

Are you bored yet?

I’m much more excited about making stitch markers than I am about my knitting projects right now. The Flower Basket Shawl frustrates me with the numbers issue, and I’m not sure how to proceed. The Cable-Eight is cool, but I have some thinking to do since I’m re-writing it. It isn’t going to fit me anyway, so I’m not overly motivated. The VCC seems very content piled in a heap on the floor waiting for sleeve cap surgery.

Nothing is sweet-talking me right now, except for these beads. I respond well to sweet-talking. Hence,


It may make for boring blogging, but it is good news for those of you who are in the gift-pool. I’m going to be gifting more than 5 of you.

In other news, I’m starting to feel up to writing out Lauralund finally. Thank you all for being so patient. As for the lacy Noro hat, well, that one’s still a ways out.

6 Responses to “Are you bored yet?”

  1. Jenn Says:

    The stitch markers are so cute! I love them! I hope when I attempt to make them, that they turn out as great as yours do!

  2. christyn Says:

    I’m glad to see that you are going to write up the Lauralund pattern. I never made the Klaaralund because I can’t imagine it really suiting me. Very cute in theory, but in practice, not so much. The Lauralund, however………

  3. Katie Says:

    Hooray… Laur-a-lund… Laur-a-lund… Laur-a-lund!

  4. minxxy Says:

    re the flower basket shawl..are you sure the your pattern is right? the left side looks ever so slightly different to me.I have looked at it a few times and it doesn’t look entirely symetrical. It may be the image on my monitor so I apologise if I’m wrong.

  5. Kristel Says:

    Ooh, Lauralund is good news. 🙂 And your stitch markers are so pretty again. I love the red ones in the top row!

    It’s good to take a break from knitting if it starts to get frustrating… (Um, or do as I seem to have done and start half a dozen new projects just to toss them to the side when the next temptation comes along.)

  6. chelsea Says:

    oh my, I LOVE the silver/blue/clear ones!! Can I change my pick?!

    You are totally inspiring me to get the ole’ bead stash out…

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