Wed Mar 30, 2005

I want to cable!

I was able to work on the VCC sleeves all day yesterday. They’re coming along nicely. I’m having to make some minor adjustments to the pattern because my row gauge is a little big, but it isn’t anything shocking or difficult. I’m getting anxious to start the cabling.

It’s a strange feeling, having only one WIP. There is certainly a list of things I have to do, but only one currently on needles.

I haven’t forgotten that I’ve made some promises. I know there are more than a few of you waiting for the lacy Noro hat pattern. And even more of you are waiting for Lauralund. Don’t worry. I’ll get to it. It may not be hat and sweater season anymore by the time I do, but I’ll get to it.

As for what is coming next, I’ve got to get going on my Cable-Eight, considering I’m the illustrious hostess. I also need to get my lazy, not-so-knit-alonging butt into gear on my Harry Potter sweater before Allison shuts the KAL down. I’m looking forward to the mindless stockinette. I’ve been enjoying the ribbing on the VCC, and won’t mind at all moving to stockinette when it’s done.

I received a lovely gift while I was sick. I don’t remember when it came, as I’ve been semi-delirious for much of the past week. I do remember being too weak to open the box, so Nate did it for me. (Speaking of, he’s threatening to make me go to the doctor. I’ve been hacking a lot recently. I’m not in the mood to hear I have pneumonia).


They’re wonderful stitch markers, sent by DJ. Thanks, girl! They brightened up a dreary day.

Lastly, does anyone want to live next door to Miss Finch? Our neighbor’s house went up for sale today.

5 Responses to “I want to cable!”

  1. Dj Says:

    I’m so glad they arrived safely. You are welcome! I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Julie Says:


    As a neighbor who lives two doors down from Miss Finch, let me tell you that this is an opportunity that you should really consider. Not only is it really great to run over there when you get yourself into a knitting bind, but she’s also very generous with the yummy, from scratch food she makes. I’m telling you, this is a good deal! : )


  3. FYRKRKR Says:

    As a neighbor farther down the street, i also would highly recommend jumping on the opportunity! Laura’s the best and someday…yes, someday, her dog Abner will behave. Actually, outside he is very, very good, except when I come over or Nate is out there. Hee hee. Seriously, we’d love to have another fun knitter on the block!!

    The markers are gorgeous.

    La, I remember the days when you would not even consider starting a 2nd project until you had finished the WIP. It was nearly incomprehensible! You thought folks like me with multiple projects and unfinished things hanging around were atrocious. You’ve come a long way, Baby. Glad I was able to help in your corruption. (another hee hee hee)

  4. hayden Says:

    oh, living next to miss finch….
    *makes mental note to look at buget before having coffee with maddie*

    glad you’re feeling somewhat better, and the stitch markers were lovely!

  5. jen Says:

    a house in seattle? oh dear, if it were 2 years down the road & my MS degree was in my hand, I’d be there, bay-bee, yeah! damn.

    well, since Hubby & I won’t be joining your seemingly fabulous neighborhood (darn student loans & necessary grad school!), I’m sending you “good new neighbor” vibes, hoping you don’t wind up sharing the fence with some nutjob 😀

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