Wed Mar 30, 2005

I have some pictures for you

Like, the Vogue Cable Cardi which I might actually have the energy to knit on today.


That’s the back and sleeves.

Also, I’ve got a picture of Pete’s bag all done.


Black is a hard color to photograph. That’s the best I could do. Say a warm farewell because as soon as I’m able, it’ll be shipped to Italy.

The IME yesterday went fine, so far as I can tell. We won’t really know ’til the report shows up, but I am optimistic. Thank you all for your concern and well wishes.

Abby went back to school today, so I should be able to get some rest. I have catch up to do after the last two days of lawyer/doctor stuff. I have been too tired to sleep, so today I want to keep ahead of the game and get plenty of rest.

5 Responses to “I have some pictures for you”

  1. hayden Says:

    Pete’s bag looks great! Really, he’s going to love it. And I’m glad you (and your girls) are starting to feel better.

  2. Katie Says:

    Hi Laura,
    That bag is awesome! You’ll be happy to know I’ve made some great progress on the Cable 8 this week – Can’t wait to show you. I hope we’ll have knitting group this week, though I really don’t want what’s been going around your family! I totally feel like crap today – remember when I said I was going to have my annual exam this week? Well, it was on Monday and then yesterday I came down with a UTI. Yuck. These are the days I really don’t like being a woman… I was able to get in and see the doctor today though, so the good news is I have some antibiotics to assure that I’ll be feeling better soon. 🙂

  3. andrea Says:

    that bag is beautiful! and the finishing touches really make it stand out — but i’m biased since i love tweedy things in general!

    and italy rocks like no one’s business of course 😉 forza italia!


  4. Dani Says:

    You did a great job with the bag. I had trouble getting the details to show up on a green sweater so I know that black would be even harder to photograph.

  5. Becky Says:

    That’s a fabulous bag. I particularly like the little knitted Italian flag.

    Feel better soon!

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