Sun Mar 27, 2005

Hooray for wireless networks, sometimes

Our wireless hub frequently drives me nuts because it has to be unplugged and re-plugged several times a day, for whatever reason, however… when one is sick, it is really nice to be able to post on the laptop while sitting in bed, surrounded and supported by pillows and memory foam.

I was too sick to do a lot of knitting over the weekend, but I did finish Pete’s bag! Yup, you read that right, PETE’S BAG IS DONE!!!!! FINISHED!!!! POCKET AND EVERYTHING!!! The flag, the straps, the knots… it’s all done. I’m going to convince Nate to model for me so I can get a picture, and then I’m going to ship it off to Italy. Hallelujah!

Also, I’m about 8 inches into the sleeves of Vogue Cable Cardi. I’m working them both at the same time, and it’s going well. I am so excited for this cardigan. I haven’t even started the cables yet, which is the pretty part, but I’m loving the way it looks. I’m glad I used the Encore on this instead of Cable-Eight, which is what I originally bought it for. The down side is that although I am knitting the largest size, it is still going to be too small. I’m hoping it won’t be too too small, and the fact that it’s a cardigan is what makes me think I may be able to get away with it. But if not, I’ll be happy to knit it anyway, and lend it out ’til I shrink a few inches.

I’m off, but in the interest of color, I’ll leave you with a picture Abby took yesterday morning. I think it’s the best Easter shot we have. I don’t take very good pictures when I’m dizzy, feverish, and hacking my guts out.


If you want to hear me complain about my upcoming day….

5 Responses to “Hooray for wireless networks, sometimes”

  1. Michelle Says:

    I’m sorry you are still sick and I hope tomorrow goes ok. Yucky stuff to have to deal with. You’ll be in my prayers. Love the picture Abby took and I love that Easter basket! Can’t wait to see pics of Pete’s bag done. Congrats!

  2. FYRKRKR Says:

    Sorry to hear you are still ill. I’ve been down with a migraine and I swear I want to throw our wireless network card at the manufacturer, because I would so rather be up in bed working than downstairs at my desk all wired in. AAARRGG! I hope you rfever breaks soon and you feel better. Either way, I am pulling for you.

    Go kick some serious DONKEY TAIL at that IME!!!! Remember, those people are PAID to SAY “THERE IS NOTHING WRONG with you ANYOMORE” no matter how bad your condition so speak up and let them have it!!!! I hate those places!!!! (and be careul – they’ll try to blame it on the kids and weight, which is irrelevant, totally!)

    Hope you had a blessed Easter despite being ill. You’re pic is pretty. Did the girls have a hoppy time?

  3. Kathleen Says:

    Good luck with the lawyers and the IME. ARGH!! Hang in there and feel better.

  4. Katie Says:

    Oh man, I can’t believe you still have the flu! I hope your sweet husband is taking good care of you. 🙂 Good luck with that stinky IME, and feel better soon!

  5. allison Says:

    Hey – good luck woth the IME. Sorry you have to go through that!

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