Wed Jan 20, 2010


While Max was perfectly willing to smile for me, he wasn’t giving it up for the camera.


He’s such a big boy!

Speaking of big boys, Clark had his blood drawn today for an allergy test.


He was super brave. I had him look away when they stuck in the needle, but the tech asked him to look before he took it out so Clark would know what was happening to his arm. That was probably a good call. Clark handled it well and didn’t say much as we were walking to the car. I asked him if it hurt a little. He said, “yes.” Then, with a little more vigor, he said, “it hurt a LOT! I didn’t like it.”

He’s so very sweet.

4 Responses to “Boys”

  1. annie Says:

    aww! Cute little swuishy baby! What a sweetie. I can’t believe how big Clark is! Its hard to believe that he was juat a few weeks old at my wedding! wow. Loves you!

  2. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    Oh, poor kiddo… When I went to get Evelyn the flu mist she said, “Ok mama, but they can’t poke me because that really hurts!”

  3. Kathode Ray Tube Says:

    Aww, poor Clark. I sure hope the docs are able to help him with the eating problems.

  4. Connie Says:

    If you have a choice of techs, choose the one who’s good with kids. Some are far better than others (speaking from my own experience). Also, if you can get Clark to relax instead of tensing help, drawing blood should hurt less.

    Hope you solve this soon for everyone’s sake.

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