Thu Oct 22, 2009

Tell me… cool? or goofy?

I’m about done with the Arctic Wolf socks. I ripped out the bind off and changed the cuff around a few times to get it right. I then had to try to take a decent picture of my own foot, showing the sock right side up without the angle being all weird and vertigo inducing.

I did my best.


So, tell me… Do you like the ears/picot bind off?


Or should I just bind off smooth/normal? I think I like them, but I might just be so proud of myself for succeeding in getting them lined up and not rolling that I’m biased. I had to modify the picots a few times to get them the right size, and I added a purl stitch in the middle of the top of the wolf’s head to keep the cuff laying flat. I like the effect though.

Veronica has been sick, so she hasn’t been able to hold Max much. This has been a source of great distress to her. Yesterday morning I thought she was healthy enough, and we had some extra time before school, so I handed him to her. She was very happy.


And we may have made a happy discovery for Nate. Babies seem to like soft, squishy chests to sleep on. Max is no exception. If he’s happily asleep on my chest, and I hand him off to Nate, he tends to squirm and fuss ’til he wakes up. So last night, I suggested Nate use one of the couch’s throw pillows as a cushion. It worked like a charm.


He stayed content and asleep like that ’til we went to bed. So cute.

Abigail’s home sick again. Not a head cold this week. She has a fever (though doesn’t feel hot to me) and allover body aches. And a sore throat. So the doctor’s office wants me to bring her in so they can swab for Strep Throat. I’m not anxious to haul a newborn and toddler into a doctor’s office with all the germs flying around now. And seriously, if I ran to the doctor every time someone had a sore throat, (like I was told I’m supposed to by the nurse today), we’d go in 30 times a year! So I’m not sure what we’re going to do.

Procrastinate for now.

5 Responses to “Tell me… cool? or goofy?”

  1. Jean Says:

    I hope everyone in your family feeels better real soon. Our baby pictures are so adorable!!!!! I like the socks that you are making too…
    Are they comfortable to wear?

  2. Anna Says:

    I like the picots! I hope you decide to keep them. It is hard to take pictures of your own foot, isn’t it? Hope your girls feel better. Max is certainly a cutie!

  3. Jen M Says:

    I love the picots, so cute! And they probably won’t show most of the time you are wearing them, so they will be a cute little secret just for you. Not as cute as your Max, but pretty cute 😉

  4. Amber Says:

    The bind-off is great! I could see that you were going for “ears” right away. Wonderful pic of Veronica…she looks so proud to be holding Max!

  5. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    I really like the picot edging – so cute! And those pics of Max are adorable too. 😉
    Sounds like Abby has what I had – sore throat, fever, and body ache. I got through it in a few days – it wasn’t strep, I know what that feels like. I know what you mean about not wanting to go to the doctor. My kids were sick last week and I just kept them off dairy, served them stuff with lots of vitamin C, and tried to get them to rest by putting on movies for them. They are all well again this week, thank goodness… I cannot believe how everyone seems to be catching this bug and flu season has barely even started!

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