Wed Sep 23, 2009


Well, I’ve checked a couple things off “the list.”

-The crib is cleaned out. I need a new mattress cover for it, so one item is off the list, another has been added.

-I’ve found most if not all of the 0-3 month baby clothes. They’re even washed, along with the boppy covers and crib sheets. Yay, me!

-I bought diapers.

-I took care of the mountain of papers, so while the islands aren’t exactly clean yet, it wouldn’t take too much to get them there.

-I’ve Googled “hospital bag” and have a list now of what needs to go in, what needs to be purchased still, etc. So that’s underway.

This weekend, we’re planning to acquire a large dresser so I can move Veronica’s clothes out of her broken little dresser (and pitch it, hallelujah!!!) and move Clark’s clothes out of the changing table to make room for baby’s.

I have an appointment today, where I’ll find out if I have Strep B, and we’ll probably schedule the induction. Then I’ll just pray like mad that I go into labor the night before. Or early that morning. Or something.

2 Responses to “Progress”

  1. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    Wow, I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy seems to have gone by – You are almost there! I wanted to recommend another toe-up book that has various heels and toes to try and worksheets for designing your own as well as several patterns. It’s Chrissy Gardiner’s Toe Up! She is coming to speak at our new knitting guild meeting in November – did I tell you about the SKG? We have a website!

  2. Donna Says:

    Laura, I swear women in their last month of pregnancy are more productive than any one else on the planet. Good for you! You want to know what I’ve done this morning? The wimpiest excuse for a workout ever, and that’s all. It’s one in the afternoon, and I’m about to shower and brush my teeth, so soon I’ll have three things done. I think I’ll call it a day after that. 🙂

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