Wed Sep 2, 2009

Lunch bags

Here we are. All stuffed and ready to go for the first day of school.



and Abby’s, with velcro.


She was scared of the serger, and while she did almost cut her finger on the blade… twice… she did really well. I think she’s a natural. Veronica still needs to sew one. She took my sample (the flowers) but we haven’t made her second bag yet. Liv and Abby have each made two and would like to make more. Birthday presents? I think we’re going to sew some drawstring snack bags in the near future, too.


What else can I think to do with the serger??? We’re having too much fun!

I have a doctor appointment today. Another in two weeks. Then we’re on to weekly appointments. How did this happen? Summer kind of ate up my pregnancy. I’m almost out of time.

3 Responses to “Lunch bags”

  1. Jen Says:

    Those are really cute. It’s great the girls were able to make them by themselves.

  2. sue Says:

    I cant believe your new baby will arrive so soon, it has flown by hasnt it. I love the lunch bags. I should really sew one for my daughter so she can use it. Can you make them out of the waterproof fabrics too. My partners grandmother has a serger and she used to love making t-shirts for the males of the family and pants for everyone else. They turned out quite well too.

  3. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    Oh, I love the fabric lunchbag idea – a good way to make them unique and easy to find too! Also loved the SportsUmbrella – very cool. There are some nice reusable containers on The Hunger Site (and they are even made with recycled plastic…) Watch out for those sippy juice containers – they leak. (Ask me how I know…) I prefer the screw-top reusable water bottles, but the metal ones are not good for juice… for some reason the acid reacts with the metal and makes a weird taste. You can find some good options at Someone on Etsy sells really cute reusable cutlery sets in pretty fabric cases too.

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