I know I’m a big baby, and many of you who are reading this live in harsher climates than I do, but CRIMINNY! it’s cold. Plus, I forgot to take my scarf while I was out and about yesterday. That made me grumpy.
I think I’ve figured out the decrease problem on my white hat. It looks really good. I started out with 96 stitches, and now I have 60. Things may get tricker once I get to the very end. I’m making this one up as I go. That’s a really bad habit I have, because then people want to know how I made it, and I don’t know what to tell them. I tried to write this one down, but once I got to the decreases, I realized I’d have to do a stitch by stitch, row by row description, and I didn’t have the patience. So I took rough notes, and if need be, I’ll write it all out while knitting another one. Maybe. Or I’ll just move on.
Guess what? Olivia has decided (probably because it is FREAKING COLD here right now) that her poncho no longer cuts it, and she wants a coat. She’s been using that poncho as her means of warmth for almost a year and a half. Now, a sensible woman would hunt around for a good sale and be done. I of course am NOT sensible, and would never claim it, so I am thinking foolish thoughts. Like, maybe making a coat. As I was talking to Nate about it yesterday afternoon, he suggested felting one, and then my thoughts were drawn, once again to that gorgeous Donegal Tweed. I called the LYS, and they still have four skeins of it in pink (shade 818), that they are now holding for me. I was thinking about trimming it in some of the dark charcoal that I have, if Gayle approves (considering it is still her yarn), and I am both excited and annoyed. I hate making up felted patterns. You’d never know, since this will be my fourth in 8 months, but I hate it. It stresses me out.
I want this coat to have a hood, if I have enough yarn, and some design features to keep it interesting. Anyone out there know of a pretty felted coat pattern for a five year old girl? Heck, anyone know of a pretty felted coat pattern for a five year old girl made from Donegal Tweed? No? Well, it was worth a shot. Maybe I’ll Google.
And, for those of you who are curious, click the link for pictures of my new tank and its occupant, my cute little Ilsa.
January 5th, 2005 at 3:47 am
That pink with the charcoal would be gorgeous!
January 5th, 2005 at 5:39 am
You have the cutest little fish! I can see why you want to go on and on about her – she really looks adorable. Re. making a felted coat for Olivia (aren’t you a good mom? ), I remember seeing a Classic Elite cardigan or jacket pattern that may help you without having to design a pattern from scratch. I’ll see if I can give you a name or pattern no. to look for.
Re. the diet – you are doing a great job between taking care of your family, exercising and everything else. I changed our eating habits several years ago to be healthier which definitely helped shed pounds (besides being better for you). It sounds like you cook very healthy meals. I assume you eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables every day along with the yummy bread and soups you make. I find eating salads daily really helps make you feel full but not add a lot of calories. Kepp up the great job!
Sorry for the long post but I guess I had a few things to say this time. 🙂 Btw, my hayden hat is coming along slowly. I do like the way it looks. I fussed over the color order for a while. Happy New Year!
January 5th, 2005 at 6:29 am
What a great tank! It’s so stylish — mine is more just utilitarian. 🙂 Thanks for the pix!
And I know that Felted Knits has a vest (though an adult size). At least it would give you something to start from math-wise. Also, there’s one here:
if you’re thinking of a paddington bear sort of look.
January 5th, 2005 at 6:38 am
hahahahaah, joke’s on me! I thought when you said tank that you meant tank top!!!
January 5th, 2005 at 7:00 am
HA! Yeah, sorry. No tank tops around HERE in January. Brrrrr.
Susan, thank you! That Fiber Trends pattern may be a great start to base something on.
Donna, thanks. I am not eating as many fruits and vegetables right now as I should. It must be off season, because I’m finding them to be both expensive and mediocre. The fresh ones anyway. Maybe I should look more into frozen. I love frozen asparagus, and I’ve been eating that.
January 5th, 2005 at 1:54 pm
i know this pattern isn’t felted but i’ve always loved it so i couldn’t resist mentioning it. it would be adorable in the pink you have on hold! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1561584932/qid=1104987217/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_1/103-6390158-0338203?v=glance&n=507846