Thu Dec 30, 2004

No more headache, but still sleeping in

Last night we watched the second disc of the Two Towers. Love it! (Even though I still have to close my eyes at the gross parts). And guess what? I did some knitting yesterday! I’m so excited. There hasn’t been much knitting time recently, but yesterday, I finished the first sleeve to Lauralund, blocked it, and started that white hat I swatched weeks ago. I tried it on last night after a couple inches, and it makes a very cute headband.


I’m a little concerned about how it will look as a hat, mainly because over at Pieces of Life, Laura Marie made a two color hayden that she said looks like Epcot Center, and the stitch pattern I’m using might do the same, but I’m going to try it.

Yes, yes, I need to be working on the second sleeve to Lauralund, and Pete’s bag, but the needles for both of those projects are otherwise engaged, so I started something new. I should probably update the WIP section in my sidebar.

4 Responses to “No more headache, but still sleeping in”

  1. hayden Says:

    that’s pretty; i think it would look good as a one color hat, if you’re worried about the whole “epcot” thing. and, you could do a scarf to match…whole ensemble (?) thing.
    eb tonight?

  2. alison Says:

    Oh yeah, it was the second LoTR movie that really got me too. Definitely my favorite of the three.

    Love that little stitch pattern.

  3. darra Says:

    I like that stitch pattern a lot, and I think as long as you don’t go with sparkly silver you can avoid EpcotHead 🙂

    Lest anyone think I’m not actually knitting a Hayden after joining, there will be an update pic on my blog tonight.

  4. Laura-M Says:

    That is sweet how tactful you were to not say *you* thought my hat looks like Epcot Center. It’s OK – it does (these things take skill, you know 🙂 but we’re quite amused by it.

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