Fri Mar 27, 2009

I knew it

Here I am, about to rip out my attempted tea cozy for the second time.

It’s not big enough. But it’s so pretty! I love smocking stitch. I’ve come up with a ton of ideas for ways to use it. Mainly as gathers around a neckline, or upper arm, or under the bustline ’cause it really sucks in the fabric.

“Battle of the blehs” update

-friend made quiche and apple cinnamon muffins- good
-avocado and fritos- probably more fattening that drinking straight cream, but it was good
-dried peaches- good, not painful anymore
-diluted herbal tea- good, though I can’t seem to possibly drink enough. I’m so amazingly THIRSTY all the time
-homemade mock up of Taco Time’s soft bean burrito complete with enchilada sauce- good
-two fudge stripe cookies (thanks Nate for bringing home tons of junk food)- bad
-Cadbury Creme Egg- good, no headache this time, but not something to make a habit of, obviously. Fortunately, they’re seasonal.
-Homemade raisin cinnamon bread toasted with butter- delicious, and made me so very sick

I’m feeling so much better, but I seem to have a rapid and distinctly bad reaction to sweet baked goods. It’s gonna be a long 9 months if that stands. But seriously? The constant sour stomach is quite diminished. The horrid taste in my mouth is gone (so long as I avoid the baked goods), and while I am aware of my stomach 24/7 and therefore think about food all. the. time. which is beyond annoying, I’m so much more comfortable than I have been. But it takes constant effort and diligence. Everything I eat has to be debated and intentional.

3 Responses to “I knew it”

  1. katie jo Says:

    I had the same problem with sweet baked goods during my current pregnancy, but it pretty much went away during the second trimester and now that I’m in the home stretch I seem to be craving a lot of cupcakes. Not great to eat lots of sugar, but nice to know that it isn’t going to make me sick. Hope the same will happen for you, so hang in there and keep eating that protein.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Glad you are feeling better. That is a really pretty stitch, can I find it anywhere?????
    I have a really neat one from an autralians blog. It is crocheted though. Jean from canada

  3. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    I love smocking stitch – I made a pair of mitts with that. I think the online pattern was called “Smocked Gauntlets”. It would make a lovely tea cozy!

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