Tue Dec 14, 2004

not making time for knitting

That’s right. It’s 10 days ’til Christmas, and I haven’t been doing any knitting to speak of. Blast. My top priority right now is getting the flower done for the flower swap. I haven’t worked on it since blogging about it a couple weeks ago. My goal for today is to do my exercise first, then color my hair and shower, (we’re talking over an inch of grow-out, and MERCY, I’ve got some gray hairs. Silver, actually. They catch the light and shine. If the whole head would go silver, that’d be cool. Until that happens, I’m coloring.), and then, I’m going to knit. After the flower, I’d like to work some more on Olivia’s doll. The body is done. I need to stuff it, sew it, add appendages, and then work on clothes. If I get all that done, I’ll retire and move to Mexico.

My beautiful, wonderful, generous and amazing friend Michal (the one that was beautiful, wonderful, generous and amazing a week ago when she took my children and made me dinner), took me to lunch yesterday, then came over and helped me clean my house for an hour and a half. She rocks, yes, but this also means that my house is clean enough that I can spend an afternoon knitting without feeling guilty or suffering for it later. This is a good thing, because my back has flared up and I want to die. Knitting will do me good.

So hopefully, you’ll see a neat flower or two tomorrow, and not a tribble. :-). If I’m lucky, you’ll also see another Christmas doll.

6 Responses to “not making time for knitting”

  1. FYRKRKR Says:

    I was doing Christmas cards all day yesterday and finally quit about midnight. I cannot tell you how many times I thought to myself, “This is seriously cutting into my knitting time!” I did however give myself reasonable breaks and at least read your blog and look at some yarns online.

    I am anxious to see how your Tribbles – ahem…I mean..FLOWERS…turn out!

  2. LeAnne Says:

    I need a friend like Michal! I hope you are knitting her something awesome… 🙂

  3. Malle Says:

    have a happy and productive knitting day….

  4. Laura Says:

    LeAnne- I’d LIKE to, but I haven’t found the perfect thing yet. She’s so practical. Her birthday is in January, so it’s been on my mind.

  5. Jenny Says:

    I forgot to comment yesterday………(I had out of state company), BUT…… I see in yesterday’s photo that there is SVELTNESS emerging behind that scarf!
    Lucky you, and terrific job!!!

  6. Laura Says:

    Hee hee, thanks.

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