Sat Nov 27, 2004

Health Group- week 25

Good morning. I’m fighting some sort of evil, mid November illness, so I’m cranky.

Let’s see… this week kind of sucked by my Health Group standards.

Monday, I did treadmill and weights. Man, it felt good.
Tuesday, I did treadmill, and intended to do weights later, but I forgot we had a babysitter lined up for the evening, and I ran out of time.
Wednesday, I spent most of the day putting up the remaining Christmas decorations, because I was in the mood to, and then I spent the afternoon making 4 dozen crescent rolls (Mmmm) and it wasn’t until the evening that I remembered there was such a thing as exercise, and I was way tired.
Thursday was a holiday.
Friday was a holiday by association.

Blah. So, I ate loads of fat food, and I didn’t exercise worth a darn. How many weeks in a row am I going to claim to do better next week? And guess what!? This week is no exception…


The weird thing is that now that I’m off of my refined sugar and flour restriction, I’m not enjoying life any more than I was before. Goodies, while admittedly good, really aren’t very important. And, to be honest, the only reason I’m even eating them in quantity is because they are SO MUCH MORE CONVENIENT than cooking super-uber healthy things from scratch like I usually do. It’s more like,

“Hmm, I’m getting hungry. Should I spend a half hour washing, drying, chopping, and assembling a yummy salad? or should I just pop that cookie into my mouth and call it good? Should I break out the homemade refried beans, heat them on the stove, grate cheese, chop lettuce and tomato, open a can of olives, and turn the oven on to heat my whole wheat tortillas to make a burrito? or should I grab a leftover crescent roll and slather some butter on it?” You see? It’s really not that I’m craving the junk. I’m tired of spending half of my life in the kitchen preparing food that my children will inevitably complain about anyway.

SO, I’m thinking about things. The scale, surprise surprise, is up a little bit. I’m 215 right now. I’m confident that it will drop back down once I start behaving myself again. I had a late night dinner consisting of “easy grab foods” last night, which is certainly affecting things. But what I’m thinking about is how I lost nearly 10 pounds in the 3 1/2 weeks of my refined carb fast. That is more enticing that the thought of being off of it. My intent is to give myself the weekend to play, then getting back to it, allowing myself exceptions for holiday events and social gatherings.

I want to get below 200 pounds. That is the new goal in sight. I have felt marvelous these last few weeks. I haven’t missed much by avoiding unhealthy foods. And seeing a smaller number nearly everyday on the scale makes me happier than any “lunch consisting of cookies” ever could.

The floor is now open. How’s it going out there ladies?

8 Responses to “Health Group- week 25”

  1. malle Says:

    hey laura!

    keep up the good work……i’m sure you’ll do much better this week……a week without turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes……and pies 🙂

    knitting keeps me from snacking too much!

    anyways…..i finished my second hayden hat and this time in pink, red and yellow colors….take a peek at my web-page!


  2. Laura Says:

    I’ve noticed that too, the knitting helping with snacking. Cool, no?

    Great job on the hat. I’ve linked it!

  3. FYRKRKR Says:

    I need to talk about something. This is really bothering me. We went to my mother’s nursing home last Saturday for Thanksgiving dinner. I do not have what you would call a good relationship with my mother. To make things better, she picks on me about my weight – constantly – even though I have flat out told her to leave it alone and it is none of her business – not to mention the fact that she is herself a good 50+ pounds overweight and used to cook everything in LARD. OK – so here’s the kicker – she had a “gift’ for me – she gives me this Charlie Brown book titled “HAVE ANOTHER COOKIE – IT’LL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER”

    WHAT THE – ???????

    La, you have a strong will and desire to succeed, that doesn’t mean you aren’t entitled to slack off once in a while! Don’t worry about it. It is way easier to eat unhealthy, true, but I know you won’t allow yourself to for long. I, on the other hand, have to really prepare ahead of time to avoid faling into that trap. In the past, and hopefully again when I get back from this vacation, I will take one day of the week and get a bunch of healthy things prepared and portioned out so I have ready-to-eat, grab-and-go foods that are on the “nice” not “naughty” list.

    As for my vacation, I am doing great on portion control; I think I was the only one to leave the Thanksgiving table not feeling miserable.

    I couldn’t find my exercise band to take along so I have been doing some isometric exercises and lots of stretching. We’ve also been up to the Sportsmen Club nearly everyday and been doing a lot of walking. I don’t think I have been “slacking’ and generaly feel pretty good about it all. Actually, I am a bit sore.

  4. Dani Says:

    Yes, yes, yes! You have hit the nail on the head. It is so much easier to just grab junk food than to chop vegetables. There are many days that I come home from work and want a real meal, but I’m too tired to cook one so I go for whatever can be prepared in less than five minutes. Many days I am too lazy to even wait for water to boil! For me, Lean Cuisine is my friend. It’s great to have a back up in the freezer for when you really don’t want to cook.

  5. Suzy Says:

    I’m with you! Sounds like my week exactly…except for the Christmas decorating part…still need to do that. I’m also with you on the grab something instead of spending 30 minutes fixing something syndrome! I think that’s a huge part of my problem. Geesh.

    Here’s to a new week…tomorrow we start afresh 🙂

  6. Megan Says:

    I’m thinking of maybe joining up with you ladies…. Its something I definately need to do but it has a bit of emotional stuff tied up with it.

    Heres a bit about me: (prepare for lots of personal info)

    I have always been slightly overweight. It was never anything that bothered me terribly but it was always there. I tried dozens of diets but never could stick to any of them–probably because I was in college and its about impossible to stick to a diet in college–you just don’t have that much control over food there.

    Finally, last year, I made some progress–I started a diet and excercise routine and dropped about 15 pounds. I was thrilled but ended up getting a minor fluish thing and stopped for about a week. Then, I visited my parents out of town for a couple of a days, so that didn’t help. When I came back, I found out I was pregnant. I was happy, of couse, but it definately put the brakes on the weight loss program.

    I ended up losing my daughter just a few weeks shy of her due date. It was the most horrible day of my life and it has really been hard to move forward and get my life going again. Its been two months and I am still about 35 pounds up from where I was before the pregnancy. It is going to be really difficult to lose the extra weight but I know I need to. I really want to try again for another baby and I want to be as healthy as possible to do that. So–I have three months until my husband and I can try again–and it might be a little longer if we aren’t ready emotionally–I don’t expect to lose all the weight or even most of it–but I do want to make a dent in it before then.

    Sorry for all the emotional dumping but I needed to say it somehow…

    I guess this means I’m signing up–I’ll post my progress in the comments every week. My first goal is to drink my water every day…I am especially bad about that.

    Good luck ladies 🙂

  7. FYRKRKR Says:

    Welcome to the group Megan! It is hard and takes courage to open yourself up and share. I think sometimes that the “outside world” will look at somone who is overweight and what they see stops there. They don’t see the reason behind the extra pounds, be it a tragic loss of a child during pregnancy, an illness, or whatever. I think an important part of changing our bodies involoves dealing with the emotional, mental, spiritual and social side of the picture as well. We all have to find our ways of doing that. That “outside world” I mentioned doesn’t see that, but hopefully our friends, family and loved ones do and will help us so we have success. You will find lots of support and encouragement here – I have.

    I also have to work on water consumption. Do you want to Buddy up on that topic?

  8. Laura Says:

    Gayle- glad to hear you’re doing well on your vacation!

    Dani & Suzy- I hear ya!

    Megan- Wow. Sorry about your loss. Good luck and best wishes. I’m trying to lose weight to get pregnant, too! Of course, I still have the issue of my back that’s hindering me as well. The injection I had a few weeks ago didn’t help.

    I know I’m in the minority here, but I don’t think it is necessary to stop trying to lose weight while pregnant. I lost a bunch when I was pregnant with Veronica. I don’t know how much, because my actual weight remained constant as she continued growing, so I stayed in my same jeans most of my pregnancy. The fat went away as the baby grew! As long as you are doing it healthy, there’s no problem. I was doing a pregnancy workout video every day, and cutting out junk food. That’s it.

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