Wed Nov 19, 2008

Trying to keep it together

I’m a little stressed. I’m trying to get my house cleaned up, and I’m making no visible progress. It’s been days of concentrated effort. I’m about to lose it. So, I’m spending the entire day on it today, and if it’s a disaster tomorrow morning, I’ll be on a plane to Texas by dinner.

6 Responses to “Trying to keep it together”

  1. Jean Says:

    keep positive thoughts!!! Mayby you will find your ring while cleaning

  2. hayden Says:

    Why Texas? To visit your sister?

  3. annie Says:

    Why else? tee hee

  4. annie Says:

    You’ll get there la, don’t worry, just keep plugging away at it, but if all else fails, come to Texas! Yee Haw

  5. Luba Says:

    Here’s my two cents. Get a cleaning lady to come in once for a big clean. This will force everyone to tidy/put away their stuff so the cleaner can clean. It will give you a fresh start – trust me on this. Then you’ll have everything in place so you can feel good about decorating for Christmas.

  6. Mom Says:

    I think the cleaning lady idea is a great one!!!

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