Wed Nov 17, 2004

The List- part 2

The problem is, The List isn’t quite finished yet. Watch me stall…


Oooh, look! It’s Mari in her poncho! Sorry for the bad picture. She left for the airport before the sun was fully up, so we had to make do with the nasty flash. She also highly dislikes having her picture taken. It really did look fabulous on her. You can’t tell, but the fringe ruffled around her in a cute, girly kind of way. We really got stuck with a dud of a photo, and now she’s headed for Virginia.

Let’s see… I’ve also joined a new knitalong. See sidebar for button.

And, like many others, I’m thinking seriously about this. Here are the colors I’m leaning towards. Be honest, tell me what you think.

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New leaf on the body, and Redwood for the sleeves. There’s a peachy/red combo I like, but these two were right next to each other on the site and they really grabbed me.

Stalling worked. I now know what to do. I’m going to make a The Short List, so as not to commit to more than I can handle at this point. Once again, these are not necessarily in order.

1. Finish sewing up mom’s sweater (this only made the list because I’ll be able to check it off soon, and I want the thrill)

2. my 2 tone green clogs for the Green Along (button in sidebar)

3. Poor Pete’s satchel bag thing I still need to write a pattern for

4. the flower for the Flower Swap (also, see sidebar)

5. while we’re at it, might as well add the Harry Potter sweaters (which are, you guessed it, referenced in the sidebar, and I’m still not talking about it)

6. Best Friend dolls for Olivia and Veronica for Christmas

7. My brown Lopi sweater

8. possibly some thrummed mittens to match something I’ve already knit someone, for Christmas

9. the flower basket shawl

10. and there’s the two hats dancing around in my brain

I’m going to stop now. I did say this was a short list. Sheesh! The scary thing is, it really IS the short list. My list on paper is much longer, but first things first.

4 Responses to “The List- part 2”

  1. FYRKRKR Says:

    The poncho looks fab! You are amazing fast!

  2. athena Says:

    great poncho! for the satchel, there is a cool bag — “the monk’s travel satchel” in folk bags that you might want to try if designing one is too much. 🙂

  3. hayden Says:

    mari’s poncho looks great! and the fringe does too…all that effort paid off.

    i like your color combos…very “green”.

    eb? gayle? julie?

  4. Jenika Says:

    Your poncho is fantastic (and if that is a bad picture, then I should just give up knitting and go back to bed). I love the colors you’ve picked out for your ribbed cardi – – I’ve been eyeing that one too, but must first finish Hayden!!

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