Sat Oct 4, 2008

Health Group- Year 5, week ?

Wow, it’s been awhile. September kicked my butt, what with being sick and all. I’ll need to go back and see what week we’re actually on, but I don’t have time today. So, I thought I’d check in at least. I think I might be able to start exercising again. I’ve been so weak from being sick. With the weather changing, I’m not sure how I’m going to get that exercise, but pretty soon here, I’ll start up with the calorie counting and exercise again. My pants are snug.

How has it been going for you all?

One Response to “Health Group- Year 5, week ?”

  1. Carrie Says:

    It’s been a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGG time since I’ve commented here, but it’s time. Remember how smug I was about 18 months ago on the South Beach Diet? I was all “just lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks. . . easy peasy!” Yeah, um, due to huge amounts of stressful things going on, I gained BACK that 8 pounds and am now a total of 20 pounds above that low point. I am currently within 20 pounds of my peak pregnancy weight. . . and dangerously close to weighing the same as my husband. Ugh. I can totally feel it slowing me down, making me sluggish. I’m thinking that it’s time for some calorie counting. . . at least tracking what I eat because if I see “15 Red Vines” or “8 mini mint 3 musketeer bars” written down, I might just be less inclined to do it the next time they sing their siren song.
    So, I know you’ve used or are using Calorie King, what do you think of FitDay and The Daily Plate? Have you checked out other calorie tracking sites? Opinions? Are they helpful or annoying? Thanks Laura, you, as always, are inspiring.

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