I am SO excited! UPS is scheduled to deliver my Woolery order today, and I’m antsy. I ordered the wild flyer so I could spin my wolf yarn without having to clear the hooks every other draft. And I ordered one jumbo bobbin to ply on (however I’m curious, what good is a fatty skein when the standard ball winder won’t hold a ball that big? I’m going to find out I guess), plus two more regular bobbins (cheaper than, yet just as effective as a new wheel), and the Strauch fiber teaser. (I bought a dog flicker brush as I’d heard they’re just as good and way cheaper. They’re neither. The teasing tool is amazing, I’ve used one, and it’s only about twice as much as a flicker brush, which I didn’t find helpful at all).
So, lots of spinning goodies are coming my way and I can’t wait!
I’ve washed a couple pounds of the new wool.
Aside from an odd yellow stain on some of it, part way up the locks,
it’s fantastic. So much silkier than the white lamb I’ve been working with. I’m dying to dye some and make a batt from it, to see how it differs from the wool I already had.
And finally, I don’t know what’s going on with me. I’ve suddenly, over the last 2 1/2 weeks, ballooned out. My face is puffy, I don’t feel that great, my low back has gone into an absolute tissy, and most noticeably, my upper arms have grown. A lot. I don’t get it. I’ve been exercising. I haven’t eaten bad. This really sucks, I’m in a rotten mood over it, and I’m really glad I have something to look forward to today.
August 21st, 2008 at 12:25 pm
“Oh-oh the Wells Fargo wagon is a co-min’ down the street, oh please let it be for me…”
: )
August 21st, 2008 at 1:38 pm
Enjoy your wild flyer! I’m so looking forward to mine. Still haven’t ordered it, though. Every time I think, Okay, I’m going to get one and a large bobbin, I need to use the money for something else. Hopefully soon, one will be on its way to me.
I have a corriedale fleece that’s got some yellowing to it as well. I’ve washed about half of it so far. The rest is wrapped up in an old sheet in my basement and it’s been there for a while. I hope it’s okay and not gotten too hard to wash. It’s from last summer.
August 21st, 2008 at 7:18 pm
Don’t be hard on yourself about the puffy week… it will pass! Have you thought of getting your allergies checked? It’s possible you’re just having a reaction to something… Enjoy the wool delivery 🙂
August 22nd, 2008 at 5:39 am
Classic immune response; you’re allergic to something. Try a benadryl and see what happens… A fast puff-up especially in the face and arms. I hate to say this, but are you allergic to something with all this new wool? Like the wool wash or the lanolin? Raw fleece makes me break out in large itchy hives, but I wear wool fine, right up against my skin.