Wed Mar 5, 2008

Knitting again

Yesterday was a house cleaning/errand running/great-grandma visiting/guitar playing day. I didn’t knit a stitch. But today I’m sneaking in an hour or so before heading out. I’m hoping to finish the edging on the purple Shetland Triangle today.

Does anyone locally want Girl Scout cookies? I could meet you somewhere. Veronica is a Brownie this year, and I’m picking up a mother load of cookies later this morning in the hopes of selling them.

The Lemon Chalet’s are really good. I, of course, am not eating them right now as I’m on a sugar purge, but I’m hoarding them so that in the future… mmmm.

6 Responses to “Knitting again”

  1. Abigail Says:

    I’d love some cookies and I’m going to be at Eastside stitchers tonight (likely to be late though – maybe not even until 8pm 🙁 )

    What are the flavors this year, and how much are they? Is a check OK or cash only? I can’t check my email at work – so if you can respond here or on my blog I’ll see it and get back to you asap 🙂

  2. Laura Says:

    They’re $4 a box. The flavors are

    Lemon Chalet- I’ll open a box tonight to sample
    Do-si-Do- peanut butter sandwich
    Samoas-that’s the one covered in caramel, coconut, and chocolate
    All Abouts- similar to a fudge stripe
    Sugar Free chocolate chip
    Tagalong- peanut butter over a cookie, covered in chocolate
    Thin Mints

    I’ll have Lemons, Trefoils, Samoas, Tagalongs, and Thin Mints at the meeting tonight. Check or cash is fine. If it’s over $48, I’ll need multiple checks.

    If you’d like another kind, let me know! See you tonight!

  3. Abigail Says:

    Excellent 🙂 I am sure between those I can find something fabulous. If I don’t get there in time before things are selling out, would you save a Lemon Chalet, a Samoas, a Tagalong and a Thin Mints for me? How exciting!

  4. Laura Says:

    Certainly, thanks!

  5. Carrie Says:

    Must. . .stay. . .strong. . .. . . can’t. . .buy. . . cookies!
    Arrrgh! I love those Samoas. I would eat a whole box. It’s a good thing you’re not closer to me!
    Hey, I’m tagging you for a me me thingie. . . go check out my latest blog entry for details:

  6. Carrie Says:

    hmm. . . thought I still had my blog entry on my clipboard. . . I meant this post:
    though, those bento boxes are pretty cool too!

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