This was another really great week.
Monday, I did weights and 50 minutes on the treadmill.
Tuesday, I did the treadmill.
Wednesday, I did 40 minutes of treadmill, upper body weights, and light lower body weights.
Thursday, I did 50 minutes of treadmill, lower body weights, and my PT stretches.
Friday was weights only. I took a break from the treadmill. I think I deserved it.
I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do today. I’m sure I’ll get in something, but I have commitments throughout the day, so it’ll have to be squeezed in somewhere.
I’ve been eating less junk, but I’m still not eating great. Mainly because I’ve been skipping meals, which I KNOW is bad. I’ve never been this lax about eating before. I don’t know what my problem is. However, I went grocery shopping last night and bought some good stuff. I have high hopes for this upcoming week.
And now, the scale. I am particularly grumpy with the scale right now. I am happy that the couple pounds that showed up awhile ago are gone, however I continue to flirt with the 20 pound mark. For the last 4 days, I’ve been 224-225. I thought that I would be able to do the happy “20 pounds lost” dance for you today, since Saturdays are my official recording days. However, this morning, 225.5. What’s the DEAL??? I was even GOOD yesterday. It’s not fair.
How are you doing, fellow Health Groupers?
UPDATE- I went for a 2 mile walk this morning. The same route I always take when I walk. I think I did it faster than I ever have before. I didn’t time myself, but I know about what time I left, and I know when I got back. I don’t think that a full 45 minutes passed. This is very good. I’m in better shape. I’m going to have to find a new route. Blast.
October 2nd, 2004 at 3:12 am
Hi there,
I’d like to join, but I can’t say I’ve been eating very healthfully. I’m 6 weeks pregnant, and I’m eating anything that I can stand, which includes mostly campbell’s soup, eggs, cheese, potatoes, and coke. Great huh?
This week I did Pilates once, walked twice, and did a half hour of hard yard work this morning. It seems like every time I move from the chair to the couch I get out of breath. I’m going to be more methodical this coming week with making sure I do Pilates at least twice.
On a positive note, I’ve been drinking a lot of water!
October 2nd, 2004 at 4:52 pm
Welcome! You certainly don’t need to be perfect to participate. This group is simply for inspiration and motivation. Congrats on your pregnancy. Good job drinking water. I’m not drinking as much as I’d like to, and I can really feel the lack of it.
October 3rd, 2004 at 10:20 pm
Hi Laura! I know, I know, I am real late with this. I only did two days of walking this past week. One day was outside for 45 minutes. and the other was an hour of walking inside…..while knitting, haha! I have one of those houses where the first floor is arranged so that you can essentially walk in a “circle” from the livingroom, through the kitchen, into the diningroom, and back into the livingroom continuously. My Hallowig was a perfect item to knit while walking, as it was lightweight, and simple. I did two half hour walk and knits, and enjoyed it very much!! As long as I have a suitable project, it makes the walking much more enjoyable, as I was reluctant to stop, and put my knitting down. My scale has been hopping around. This week it already said I gained back all my weight, and that I have lost 6 pounds. I think my good eating and occasional cheating just cancel each other out sometimes!! This walking in the house will be good for bad weather, as long as no one is watching the TV,since I’d have to walk right in front of it!I hope to have a better report next time!
October 5th, 2004 at 12:28 am
Walking AND knitting, huh? Good for you. I am not NEARLY that coordinated.