Wed Dec 5, 2007

Nate vetoed the brocade and flannel.

I suppose it needed to be done.

I’m having insane thoughts about trying to make an outfit for myself before Nate’s Christmas party on the 15th. Talk me out of it. Currently, I’m thinking of making a skirt and sweater combo.

I have such a hard time finding clothes that fit me right on the top, and my standard t-shirts aren’t going to cut it. Blast.

I think I’m going to head to the mall today, and if that doesn’t yield success, I’ll hit the yarn store on the way home and stress out for the next week and a half.

Sounds like fun.

5 Responses to “Nate vetoed the brocade and flannel.”

  1. Hayden Says:

    Heh. Well, you could do it La, but you would have to stress yourself out, sacrifice sleep, meals, exercise, knitting, carding, plying, and probably laughing.

  2. Danielle M Says:

    Having a new outfit sounds fun, but I’m with Hayde…It sounds like an awful lot of stress, but also something that I might try! 🙂

  3. kris Says:

    Wow, that sounds like a lot. And no to pile on or anything but have you seen the Silent Night Tree Skirt? Free pattern, here’s the link:

  4. Stephanie Says:

    Heavy sigh… sound like me. I always try to tackle things in such a way that I am usually a babbling idiot at the end of it…and usually not finished either. I say just say no to sewing. There is SO MUCH else to do this time of year…and with only 9 days before a party? JUST DON’T DO IT! You don’t need the stress of it all!!! I say…buy something pretty and splurge on some squishy yarn and call it all good 🙂

  5. carol gilchrist Says:

    ooh I love that pattern Kris

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