Wed Oct 24, 2007

Lotsa wool

Wow, it’s dark outside. There are going to be a lot of pictures from the bathroom in the coming months. Even in my bathroom this morning, with an entire ceiling of glass, I was getting slow shutter speeds and blurry pictures. But they’re still cute.

Here’s 5.2 pounds of washed Romney fleece. And Clark, for scale.


And that was about all the patience he had for a picture that wasn’t entirely about him.


Here he comes…



That’s better.

But the wool truly is lovely. I can’t. stop. touching it. So, I’m wondering… Do I spin it first, or dye it? It seems that if I want to dye, say, 3+ pounds of it to make sure I have enough for a cabled sweater for myself, I should dye it first, because I can’t imagine getting that much yarn in one dye bath, thus having the same dyelot. But I just got it all dry! I don’t want to get it wet again before I can spin it.


Ok, another question… I’m contemplating color. Should I do an earthy, mossy green to play up my eyes? Or a reddish sort of plum? More purple than red, but with some red undertones to it. Something else entirely? Whatdya’ think?

And finally, I concede. I’m not middle-aged. After talking with a few of you and reading the comments, emails, etc. I agree that I’m probably too young to be middle-aged. But I’m no punk kid, either. I guess I’m just a grown up. How boring is that? But I’ll be middle-aged soon enough!

7 Responses to “Lotsa wool”

  1. yvette Says:

    That is a lot of fleece, I love your “and Clark for scale”, he is very cute.
    I have to disagree with your definition of middle aged as I am heading very quickly towards 45 and I don’t want to be middle aged, its too near old!

  2. Andey Says:

    I’ll be thirty in six months, and I still don’t feel like a grown-up most of the time- despite being married for a decade and having two children in school. Plus being in grad school myself.
    When does that whole grown-up feeling kick in?

  3. Hayden Says:

    Ahh, he’s so cute!

    Sorry I won’t be there tonight (theatre with dad), but I hope you have fun picking a color to dye your wool!

  4. Sue Says:

    Clarke is looking more like his daddy everyday. What a sweetie pie wanting to have the camera to himself too. I would love to see a green sweater, and I have green eyes too. It is my favourite color. Middle aged, well I am 40 next year so I suppose I am middle aged, but your nowhere near that are you.

  5. Denise Says:

    Nice wool! I’ll admit I’m biased since grey Romney is one of my favorites.

    I have to say that I think of middle age as starting sometime after the 40 year mark, which is where I’m at. I like to tell my husband that I’m not *quite* middle-aged since I want to live longer than 88!

    Maybe the thirties are just adulthood? Or maybe you are in pre-presbyopic phase adulthood (much like pre-adolescence but without the angst and newly raging hormones)?

  6. Monica Says:

    I’m voting for the green to play up your eyes. I love the deep claret color as well, but it might scream at your hair! W/green it won’t matter what color your hair is.

  7. Carrie Says:

    Every time I see a picture from your bathroom, I can’t help but think that you must be sitting on the toilet to take the picture. Mind you, I do NOT think that you are USING said toilet, but just using it as a chair. Since I’ve never been in your bathroom, there is no good reason for me to think this except that both of my bathrooms are so tiny that I project their tiny-ness on other people’s bathrooms too. So, I have a private little chuckle to myself imagining the *rest* of the view in the room when you take a picture there! On, and that wool is wonderful!

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