Fri Oct 5, 2007

I finally finished the tablecloth!


This dumb tablecloth has been on my table for months, and I FINALLY hemmed it today. We don’t eat on it, it just protects the table when we set or do stuff on it. I serged the two fabrics together in June or something, and here we are in October. It needs to be washed, and I just couldn’t wash it and throw it back on the table without a hem.


I have either lost, or never actually bought the wooly nylon thread I was going to use to hem it with, but I was so desperate to get it done, I did the rolled hem with regular thread. It still looks good, and I can redo it later if I want to.

Ha. Don’t think so.

To be honest, I want to make more tablecloths and placemats, but haven’t found fabric that sings to me as much as these silly polka dots do.

The first legwarmer is done. It’s cute, quite warm, and although it fit snugly, it doesn’t stay up if I do a lot of walking. So the next ones are going to be wool instead of alpaca, so I can get some cling.

And Abby has talked me into knitting her a pair, but hers will be plain ribbing I think, with that tweedy yarn I spun for her in July.

Wanna hear something sad? Liv read my post on Monday, where I talked about her losing things. When she got to the part where I said that I didn’t want to make her sweater, she burst into tears and ran out of the room.

Bad, bad mom.

It took at least an hour to convince her that I DID in fact want to knit it for her, I was merely concerned about her losing it.

Then she ripped the rest of my heart out when she said that she knows she loses things, but didn’t want everyone reading my blog to know.


Poor, sweet thing.

Bad, bad mom.

4 Responses to “I finally finished the tablecloth!”

  1. Stephanie Says:

    We all have mom moments like that :o) You are not alone. And I totally understood what you were saying when you said that but I’m sure she didn’t interpret it the same way.

    I like the table cloth! I haven’t made any…I am always on the look out for cool vintage ones when I’m at the thrift store though. But I just simply don’t want to make any.

    And no shiny things on my wrist yet (heavy sigh) I have been too busy with the kids and school. (today was the preschool walk-a-thon!) But soon….soon I will. I have to . MUST. HAVE. BRACELET. Hmmm….psycho much? It’s been a loooooooooooong day and it’s only 4:30. Ugh. I hope the weekend goes better.

  2. Sue Says:

    Oh poor Liv reading it and feeling so upset, and poor you too. We all have moments like that, where what we are trying to say is misinterpreted. I am sure that Liv knows deep down that you love making things for her. I have had moments like that too, where you wish you could press the rewind button and erase it.

  3. Jan in PA Says:

    Dear Sweet Liv,

    When I was very young, maybe 9 or 10, I lost so many things! I was always setting things down and walking off and forgetting them, or sometimes I’d drop them and not notice. Once, when I was going to the store for my mother, I dropped a five dollar bill. I ran home the way I came because this happened in 1959 and $5 was a lot of money back then. Luckily, my father saw it on the sidewalk when he got home from work and picked it up.

    In 6th grade, my teacher noticed that I was a loser and promised to help me remember things. Every night when it was time to leave, she would ask me if I had my hat, my shoes, even my books. I had to check everything when I walked in the door and if something was missing, I had to run back to the school to find it. Sometimes it wasn’t there, then I would want to bop myself on the head.

    Now that I’m really old, I till have to stop and check myself every once in a while. Mrs. Grace Moore, the teacher that helped me keep track of things used to tell me it was because my smart brains were bigger than my remember thing brains.

    I’ll bet that is your problem too. I know you’ll get better the longer you work on it. If I lived closer, I’d remind you every day, but maybe your mother can help you.

    Good luck!
    Jan in Pennsylvania

  4. Jan in PA Says:

    Whoops…my smart brains were bigger than my THINK brains…and maybe my typing brains are missing this time!

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