Tuesday, May 11th, 2010
I miss you
I like to write blog posts, I really do. I just haven’t been able to thing of anything to talk about. It’s pretty weird. So, I might babble on a bit to see if anything comes.
Max just went through a massive eating/growing spurt. I think he’s tapering off. He does this, where he’ll go quite awhile not being very hungry, then a couple weeks of constantly eating. It does crazy things to my milk supply. I feel like once I catch up to his increased demand, he’s done.
And that’s interesting conversation, eh?
Let’s see, what else. Most of this year I’ve been great at planning a menu, going grocery shopping once a week, staying within a very conservative budget… It’s a-typical for me, being that organized, and it’s been kind of fun. Last week, and possibly the week before, I don’t remember, that all collapsed. We’ve eaten out more than we should and I got sick of it quicker than I thought I would. So this week we’re back on. Last night, I made turkey meatballs with gravy, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce (a family favorite). Today, I cooked a chuck roast in the crock pot with a jar of BBQ sauce, shredded it, and am now letting the liquids reduce and thicken a bit with the lid off. We’ll eat it over rolls for some messy BBQ sandwiches. It kind of tastes like brisket, actually. I’m currently boiling cobs of corn.
Should we start talking about the weather next? 🙂
Seriously, I want to write, I just feel boring. Hopefully, this will be that boring post that gets me out of the funk. Well, it’d be nice anyway.
Max is almost crawling still. He rolls around a lot and scoots. Clark wakes up every morning and greets me with a quiet hug. Very cute. I didn’t know he was up this morning, so he freaked me out with a leg hug while I was standing at the counter in the kitchen.
We finally took Clark’s birthday money from the Grandmas and went to the toy store last week. I swear I can add, but somehow I totally miscalculated and was shocked at the checkout. The kid scored. However we bought a $20 set of Buzz Lightyear walkie-talkies, and they sucked. If you get far enough away from each other to use them, all you hear is fuzz. While returning those today, I dropped Max’s blanket in the parking lot without realizing it. (How did I turn in to someone that does that??). I panicked when we got home from our errands and I went looking for it to swaddle him for his nap. Fortunately, we hadn’t gone too many places so I was able to track it down and some kind soul turned it in. It’s a much admired blanket (Brandi). Someone could easily have made off with it.
That’s it for me today. Max is trying to type and the corn is going to beep at me soon.
Don’t give up on me. I’ll be back.