Monday, October 5th, 2009

It’s (finally!) a boy!

After 13.5 hours of labor, Laura delivered a healthy baby boy at 7:36 pm. The baby weighed in at 9 lbs, 1 oz and measured 22 inches long. We don’t have a name yet, or pictures, but Mom and baby are doing great (no tearing!), the kiddo scored well on his APGARs, and things are going well.

Now, I believe I am going to be sent off for some real food, as Mom really wants something to eat 🙂

Good night, everyone! We’ll post more in the morning!

Monday, October 5th, 2009

Almost there …

We’re at 9.5 cm dilated, there’s “a rim” we’re still working with, but Laura will start the pushing soon. We’re expecting baby within 15-20 minutes now. Soon!

Monday, October 5th, 2009

7:00 may have been optimistic

Baby is lower, and Laura is dilated to an 8, but I’m guessing that it’ll be after 7 before the baby arrives. We are, however, prepping the room for delivery, so it shouldn’t be too much after 7:00 before the baby comes. Maybe 7:15 – 7:30? (13+ hours after arrival).

Longest. Labor. Ever. (at least for us)

Monday, October 5th, 2009

Cervix check

Okay, we have just checked the cervix, and Laura is at 5 cm dilated, 100% effaced, baby is at zero (for those who know what that means), and we’re progressing along. Next step: catheter! (Ooooh, that’s TMI!)

Monday, October 5th, 2009

So they say it should be soon

The nurse baton has just officially been passed, and as a parting shot, nurse one (Jen) gave her opinion that the baby should be here within the next 35-60 minutes. Of course, she’s been wrong twice before (first guess: 12:45; 2nd guess: 4:58), so it may not mean anything. But then again, it might. If I were reading along at home, I would start checking every 20 minutes or so. Just sayin’.

Monday, October 5th, 2009

Laura has survived the giant needle

The epidural is in (Laura was a total champ about it, in spite of the needle-phobia), and is trying to relax. We’ll be checking the cervix soon, and will post more at that point. We’re also switching nurses, as Jennifer (nurse 1, who has been fantastic) ends her shift and Dolores (nurse 2) steps in. We are all amazed that the baby has yet to make his appearance, but are optimistic that soon (soon!) the “labor” part will be over and we’ll move into the “delivery” phase.

Monday, October 5th, 2009

The Needleman’s a-comin’!

Laura has officially requested the epidural. If this is anything like Clark’s delivery (and fair warning, so far this has been nothing like ANY of the kids’ deliveries), that means we’re about 3 1/2 hours away. We could also be 30 minutes away, so really, who knows? But we do know that the needle-man is on his way! Bring on the anesthesiologist!

Monday, October 5th, 2009


Contractions are stronger! Just look at that chart!


Laura is talking less, closing her eyes more, and trying to relax through the contractions. No epidural yet (they hurt, but not enough to face the looooong needle), but it’s only a matter of time now.

Monday, October 5th, 2009


Well, something’s happening. Something new, that I haven’t experienced before. My water is broke, as Nate mentioned and so as not to fall into the category of TMI, which might be too late for some of you, there’s a LOT of water in there. Holy cow. And it won’t stop coming. The nurse said that might be why labor is taking so long to get going. There’s a ton of water-y cushion keeping him from becoming engaged.

Well, that cushion is rapidly diminishing, and I’m starting to hurt. After 8 1/2 hours, it’s about TIME it started to hurt!

Bring it on.

I’m so going to eat those words later.