Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

One down!

The arm warmers are done and are cute, cute, cute!

Perfect for my kid who refuses to dress like it’s the middle of winter.

On a roll, I picked up Clark’s sweater last night, to discover that all stitches were on holders and there were no needles anywhere. I couldn’t remember what size I was using, 5 or 6. I guessed 6, and put the stitches on a needle.

I was wrong.

So I looked around for a 5. There were none in my basket or needle case. I complained and whined. I noticed a lone needle sitting on an end table in the living room under a prayer plant. It was a 5.

I began knitting, only to realize that I’d cabled the edge stitches on the working sleeve, and not on the finished sleeve. I figured it’d be right under the armpit, so it wasn’t worth ripping. Then I couldn’t remember if I was still supposed to be increasing so I counted stitches. There were too many. I counted stitches on the finished sleeve in the same row. There were less.

So I ripped out a few cable repeats and had just re-knit all of the frogged yarn when it came time to turn out the lights and go to sleep.

So lame.

BUT, I’m ready to go. A few more rows ’til I start the sleeve cap that I thought I’d already started. Very fortunate for me, I had planned on editing the sleeve cap on the first sleeve and ended up knitting it as per the directions I’m sort of following from the Handy Book of Sweater Patterns. And bless me, I happened to scrawl down exactly which row I started the cap shaping on, and left it in the knitting bag.

The same knitting bag that ate my wedding ring last November, if you recall.

I hope to have this one finished up soon. I measured Clark’s little feet yesterday. They’re 5 1/2 inches heel to toe, and 4 1/4 inches to the start of his toes. I don’t mind Clark’s socks being an ongoing project though. They’re small and easy and make a great travel project.

As for the “To Ponder” list… I still haven’t decided if I’m going to finish any of those. Since the mosaic arm warmers fit Liv better than Abby, I might end up trying to finish those ugly pink and purple socks, turning them into mitts for Abby.

My dye came. My silk is soaked. I might get to that today.
