Saturday, May 31st, 2008

Health Group- Year 4, week 46

Good morning!

Well I haven’t really recorded my food this week, but I didn’t have a “bad” week. Particularly the past few days, I haven’t been very hungry.

I’ve been working in the yard, a LOT. Wednesday, as I mentioned yesterday, I went on a long walk with Clark and then decided to start on my front yard. I haven’t been counting hours, but I probably put in 5 hours yesterday, and more than that on Wednesday. According to Calorie King, 5 hours of gardening burns 1808 calories. So I’m pretty sure I’m good for the week.

I have no idea, outside of the grace and kindness of God, how my body is holding up so well, but I feel great. And I’ve been working hard. And I’m loving it. I’ve pulled out 9 plants, (the rhode almost killed me, and I have another one to go), an unbelievable amount of weeds and weed grass, dug up, moved and stacked brick pavers (Veronica is counting. I think we’re around 60 so far)…

I was worried about my arms, but they’re pretty good. I have to be careful with the pulling. If it’s too hard to pull out, I have to stop and use the hand trowel to loosen the dirt because when it finally gives and my arm snaps back, I feel pain. The bricks have been a little touchy, but being careful with those two things, my elbow pain hasn’t worsened.

SO, as long as my body holds up, I’ve found my summer exercise! I can’t believe how much progress I’ve made. In two days, I’ve completed what I thought would take over a week. Now, I have to figure out how to remove sod. This stuff isn’t cutting and rolling up like the grass at my last house, where all I had to use was a flat edged shovel. It’s tough. We’re going to Lowe’s today for some yard waste bags and I’m going to ask about it. I don’t think I can use a roto-tiller because the ornamental cherry or whatever it is in my front yard has very shallow roots. And there’s a very shallow-buried phone cable that pops up in a spot along the side, and I don’t know where the rest of it is, but my neighbor said it’s been cut during yardwork by the previous owners.


Clark is thrilled as can be to be spending so much time outside. Our front yard is small, so I hope his interest holds. Yesterday, when he got a little whiney and wanted me to hold him, I put him in the jogging stroller with lunch, pointed in my direction so he could watch, and he liked that.

How was your week?