Wednesday, October 17th, 2007
What a guy
I came to find out that while I didn’t get any pictures of our outing on Saturday, Nate did with his iphone!
I think my first batch of washed wool is dry
If I’m a good girl, clean the house a bit, and exercise, I’m going to wash some more!
The camel/silk roving is FINALLY all spun into singles, and I’ve been working on plying it. It’s taking a really long time. I don’t think I’ve ever spun this much yardage out of a single roving, and I’m anxious to see how much I end up with.
And today, Clark has joined the masses of toddlers (though he still isn’t toddling) that wear colanders on their heads.
Which had me totally flashing back about 8 years to Abigail.