Archive for June, 2007

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

Exciting things

Well, let’s see.

Liv got her ears pierced last night,


she’s so happy. She didn’t flinch, she didn’t smile, she didn’t move. Later, as she was walking out with deep purple earlobes, she said that she felt like she was going to pass out. What a trooper. When I got my ears pierced, I passed out cold and hit the floor after the first one. Having to be revived and climb back up on the chair for the second.

I ordered my spinning wheel today. I can hardly believe it.


It should be here in a week. I read once on someone’s blog how they stayed up all night with their new spinning wheel. I need to decide what to spin, so I can have it all ready/prepared such that when my wheel comes, I can to do exactly the same. Next Thursday or Friday night, spin party at my house. All night long.

I don’t know how I’ll manage. After staying out ’til 3am last Friday at the John Mayer concert, I was not even human most of Saturday. In and out of consciousness and naps, not able to be coherent on any level.

But it sounds like fun, so I’m going to try.

Monday, June 4th, 2007


There are some great mitts being knit.

Stephanie’s are done and fantastic.

Jen knit some nice ones.

Carol has finished two pair. I’ve seen them in person, they’re lovely. Mary’s getting a lot of Koigu. Lucky girl!

Suzette has finished one and it looks like it’ll be neat on a hand.

Anyone else have anything to show?

I have a cute picture of Clark


I’ve done a little bit on my purple mitts, but I’ve ripped a little back, and I think I’m going to rip the rest of the gusset and start it over.

I hate writing patterns. I don’t hate making things up and having to rip and redo to get it right. I hate writing the pattern. But I do, because I’ll probably want to knit it again someday, or something similar, and I’d feel like an idiot making all the same mistakes over again. Plus, I know many of you want it.

But I hate writing patterns.

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007

Health Group- Year 3, week 50

I’m exhausted. Can’t talk. I’m going to try to sleep for the remaining hour and a half before the girls last piano recital this afternoon. Their teacher is retiring to have a baby.

Miraculously, I managed to make my weight goal for June 1st, which was 220 pounds. I’d had some really bad eating days, plus I felt like I had been gearing up to cycle all week, so I didn’t think there was the smallest chance of making it. But on Thursday I was 220.4, so I worked hard and on Friday, 220. I’m thrilled.

I’m not 220 anymore. I think I’m 222 today, but the impending threat of cycling has become reality so I’m bloated and feel yucky. Plus, we were on the road all day yesterday to get to the Ben Folds and John Mayer concert and I ate bad, mainly because there wasn’t much choice.

I love Ben Folds. I wish he wasn’t such a potty mouth. He was in full form last night.

John Mayer puts on a good show. I like him even better now than I did before. He’s very funny. I’d say more but I’m sooo tired, I feel yucky, and I’m going to bed.

How was your week?