Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

So, why am I fat, then?

Yesterday was my first day of Calorie King. I was supposed to eat 1690 calories, plus whatever calories I burned exercising (295 I think, depends on where you look). I couldn’t do it, and it felt stupid to eat something sweet just to meet my calories, so I ended up being 331 calories shy of my target.

That is just so weird to me.

We’ll see how today goes. I added 2 oz of banana to my shake this morning to give me a little more calories. I like that the program tracks water consumption. That’s something I like to do anyway, so it’s nice to keep it all in one place.

On the faroese shawl, I’m about done with skein #5. Two left, but I’m thinking I’m going to need more skeins.


It’s so pretty. I can’t wait to see it blocked.