Thursday, February 22nd, 2007
Monkey business
Ok, I suspect I’m not the first person to title a blog entry with that, but I couldn’t help it. It amused me.
SO, here’s the scoop. I got nearly done with the leg of the sock you saw yesterday and decided (I had suspected, but was denying it) that it was going to be too small. Sometimes though, once you get more length on a knitted piece, it all changes. This time, it didn’t. While the sock did barely stretch enough to make it over my heel, I though that it might be better bigger.
I started the second sock on a larger needle to see if it was better, and it was, so I finished the leg and decided to convert the first sock into a fingerless mitt because (I thought) I had an extra skein of yarn in that color.
Cute, no?
Well, I don’t have an extra skein of yarn in that color. What I have is 5 skeins of nearly the same color.
There’s the two balls I’m knitting with right now that are the same color. There’s the single skein that I thought was the same color, and as it turns out, it’s a little more colorful than the skeins I’m knitting with. And finally, there are the remaining two skeins that are a little less colorful, but they match each other.
I’ve contemplated every option I can think of to not have to rrrrrrrip the first sock, and it’s just not gonna fly. The first one has to rip. Not the end of the world, but disappointing to be sure.