Monday, October 30th, 2006
Health Group- Year 3, week 20
Last week was ok. I still can’t find my scale, but I feel bigger. And that’s ok too. I’m going to do my sugar purge again between Halloween and Thanksgiving to regain some control. It will be good for me. In the past when I’ve done this, it’s helped me to enjoy the rest of the holidays like a sane person, eating in moderation because I’d killed the craving monster. My exception to this is going to be Nate’s birthday on Thursday, and a special pre-Thanksgiving dinner we’re going to on Saturday, to warmly send off some friends who are moving to Georgia.
Abigail and Olivia each have homework charts where they can put a star sticker on each day that they do their homework with a good attitude (no yelling, stomping, crying, dragging it out for 3 hours, etc). When they get 5 stickers, we go out on a mommy or daddy-daughter date.
I made myself an eating chart yesterday, so when I eat no sugar junk for the whole day, and I’ve made sure I’ve fed my body well, I get a star. My incentive at the moment is simply to have some success. And I’m not even talking about weight loss. I want to stick to something. I want to re-prove to myself that I’m capable of self control. I’m excited. I have one star already, and I’m going for two.
How are you doing?