Wednesday, August 30th, 2006

They’re ok. I’m ok. It’s all ok.

The girls got on the bus this morning, and even arrived at school eventually, but what happened between those two events had me in near hysterics for about an hour. The reason I’m not going to give you the details is because it involves particulars about my children’s transportation, and I don’t know everybody that reads here. But the words “alone” and “stranded” are certainly applicable. It’s the only thing on my mind this morning, so it’s the only thing I can think to blog about.

Right now, I am still very actively focusing on calming down. Which seems the perfect time to show you a picture I’ve been hanging on to for awhile.


One of the many, many things the previous owners of our house left when they left was a bird feeder. We put seed in it at the beginning of the summer, before school was out. The birds didn’t stop by for a long time, but they do now, and it’s fun to watch. We get seemingly hundreds of these chickadees, and I think we get the brown ones, too. We get a lot of red-breasted nuthatches, some Blue Jays, and I’ve seen two other birds, each once.

This one that seemed to peck a hole in the tree and then drink out of it-



and a messy looking brown bird with what looked like mottled red on its chest.

Oooh, ooh, and I forgot about the hummingbird. It zoomed in to the yard, came right up to the big windows in the living room, hovered there for nearly 10 seconds (we were practically face to face) and zoomed off again.

I want to get a hummingbird feeder, because that’s just too cool.

And now I’m going back to deep breathing and concentrated calm.

I take Veronica to kindergarten in a couple hours, and you’d better believe I’m going to be there this afternoon when they’re getting on the bus to make sure they’re on the right one, or even get on one.