Friday, May 26th, 2006
Health Group- Year 2, week 50
In approaching the beginning of the 3rd year of Health Group, I’m reminded that we missed my bloggy birthday! 2 years! It’s been fun.
Health Group is a day early this week because tomorrow we’re still planning to go camping, despite my injury.
This week sucked. We spent every single day getting the girls’ homework done and/or caught up in some cases, PLUS finishing the big project that each of them had due this week in their respective classes. Seriously. The entire week. So I didn’t do much exercising at all. And now I’ve hurt my back.
I’m still enjoying the breakfast shakes, and I know they’ve helped me to eat better throughout each day.
The injury to my back is confirmation that I need to be more dedicated to my physical therapy exercises, which I intend to resume slowly next week when we get back from the weekend.
Tell me about your week.