Monday, May 22nd, 2006

Awww, thanks!

Thanks for the birthday wishes! I didn’t end up knitting because I forgot that all of my knitting books and magazines are still packed somewhere, and I need the lace book to do the daisy pattern on the scarf. So much for that. But we weren’t home much anyway.

It’s incredibly dark outside. I just heard that it’s supposed to rain all week and all weekend. As in, Memorial Day weekend, when we are planning our big camping trip. I’m very aggravated.

I had a good idea, or at least what I think will be a good idea for an activity with the kids when summer vacation starts. We inherited an old picnic table in the move. I’m going to examine it, and if the wood is sound, I think the kids and I are going to sand and paint it. It’ll doubtless be a messy project, but they’ll really enjoy it and it’ll get something done that needs to be done. Plus, I’m hoping it’ll stave off Olivia’s inevitable summer boredom for a few days.

I’m compiling a list of ideas to make this summer productive and fun. Abigail and Veronica are frequently content to entertain themselves with what we have here at home, but Olivia seems incapable of it.

And now, I’m going shopping before the rain comes in for the week because I’d much rather be home watching the rain when it hits than out running errands with kids.