Archive for April, 2006

Tuesday, April 11th, 2006

All’s quiet on the homefront

Nate took the girls to the Seattle Aquarium this afternoon. I pulled Clark’s cradle, the boppy, and a chair to nurse in out onto the front porch so I could stare at the yard and try to figure out how to fix it.

It’s really ugly.

I also snuck some pruning and very light weeding in. It felt good to be outside, and I would be there still if it were a bit warmer.

Monday, April 10th, 2006

One week old



(That’s a yawn).

Nate was on the computer the entirety of Saturday doing taxes and finances, hence, no Health Group post. But I talked to the nurse at my post-partum appointment at the hospital on Friday, and she said that I could probably start my physical therapy exercises in a week or two.

In the meantime, I’m going to sleep as much as possible.

Nights are getting a little bit better. The nice thing about Clark is that so far, he doesn’t cry inconsolably. I have memories of walking with the girls endlessly while they cried for no apparent reason. He doesn’t do that. I know that if nothing else, he’ll be happy suckling/nursing.

He’s getting more used to having his diaper changed and doesn’t scream the whole time anymore. Now he usually just complains in grunts which is quite funny sounding.

The girls are on Spring Break this week, and they’re chewing on the walls to get out of the house, so we’re going to go hang out with a friend of mine and her kids in a few minutes, and I think we’ll order some thai food for lunch.

Now that I can EAT again!

If any of you have Health Group news, feel free to post it here! I wanna hear it!

Thursday, April 6th, 2006

What does night-shift look like?

‘Twere the hours before daylight, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring….

except for mom-the-milk-machine.


It’s my first go with the sling. I’m liking it mucho. Clark was fussing quite a bit. The instant I put him in it, he fell fast asleep.


Which is kind of annoying, because I’m not asleep, BUT, I can now raid the fridge with both hands! And I can take pictures of myself in the stairwell mirror and post them.

That’s something.

Thursday, April 6th, 2006

Wee little bits of sleep

Lots of baby talk here, with a spattering of pictures.

Unless time has played tricks on my memory, Clark has been by far the fussiest baby. Fortunately, I’m still really enjoying him, but it’s been hard. I’ve been getting 3 hours of sleep a night, in 1 hour increments. I haven’t been able to sleep during the day, but all of this will change.

My milk is in, which is obviously more satisfying to his demanding little tummy than colostrum was. That helps.

At the recommendation of my sister-in-law, I sent Nate to the store to pick up some Lansinoh. I’ve never used it before, and it is glorious. I don’t hurt nearly as much now, and I wasn’t even cracked. It just made it all better.

This is my first time using a Boppy. Wow. I feel like an idiot resisting with my other babies.

First of all, when I was in labor at the house and about ready to go to the hospital, sitting enormously increased the most painful contractions. I didn’t know how I was going to survive the car ride, so I sat on the Boppy in the car, and my contractions were way better. I was actually relatively comfortable.

I sat on the Boppy in the wheelchair up to the doctor’s office to get checked (couldn’t walk at that point), and in the wheelchair back down to be admitted in the hospital, at which point, I think I loved the Boppy as much as I love anesthesiologists that administer epidurals.

Right now, I want to go on and on about my admitting nurse. She is Superwoman. I was hurting SO bad, and between the time I was at the doctor, and the time I was “checked” in the hospital, (about 30 minutes, tops) I had dilated 1-2 more centimeters and effaced the remaining 30%.

She jumped into high gear, ignoring all the computer stuff she had to do. She got a helper in with her, and got my IV started immediately with the antibiotics and hydration. Right on the heels of that, she ran and got my epidural supplies, called the anesthesiologist from my room, and had me out of pain sooner than I thought was humanly possible.

All the while, telling me how brilliantly I was handling my contractions, and how amazing I was.

I really love nurse Kathy.

After the fact, she told me that the contractions had been 2 minutes apart, and were very intense. So I got my wish to go into labor on my own, eh? :-).

Back to the Boppy, it next proved it’s worth when the girls came to visit Clark for the first time. You know how awkward it is to hand a brand new baby to young children? Well, we put the Boppy around their little waists while they sat in a chair, and set Clark on top. There was no slipping, head dropping, nothing. The girls were confident. The baby was secure. We could step back a little bit and give them some “alone” time without having to interrupt and reposition, or correct them.

Third, nursing. Ah, it’s better that way.

Another thing I did differently this time was buy cute jammies for the hospital. I also bought several pair of underwear in matching colors. Sounds silly, as things are so messy after delivery, but I didn’t want to wear the nasty hospital clothes and disposable, netting panties any longer than I had to.

So on Tuesday, I re-braided my hair, put on my new stuff along with a nursing bra, and felt pretty!

I also slipped Clark into a little sleeper, which he seemed to really appreciate.


It felt SO good, that Clark and I spent quite a bit of time walking the halls. Clark got oogled by nurses and visitors alike, and I got to chat with a few Grandparents-to-be waiting in the lobbies for their own good news.

It was a pleasant way to spend the unforeseen extra day in the hospital while Nate was out making Abby’s birthday special.

We’re still very tired, and I’m going to get off the computer and try to take a nap while the house is quiet.

But before I do, here is a shot of Nate on the couch after dinner, asleep.


And Clark cuddling up in a diaper.


Oh, and Clark and I got a nice stretch of sleep this morning from 6:30-10:30 after a couple good feedings. I so desperately needed that! I have high hopes that now that my milk is in, we’ll be able to sleep a bit more.

Tuesday, April 4th, 2006

And now, a couple words (and pictures) from mom

Hi all! What a wonderful welcome for sweet little Clark! Thank you!

I’ve been on the backseat of all the camera action until now. Last night, I took a couple while he was sleeping on my lap.


That hat is NOT going to fit him for very long!


And this morning, when I had some good daylight…


I love the “grumpy old man” face!


And now, a very warm and loving birthday wish for Abigail, who turns 8 today.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ABBY! We love you SO much!


I have to stay in the hospital until tomorrow because Clark came too fast to allow me to get the full 4 hours of antibiotics for Strep B, so they need to observe him.

The family will be here this evening to eat pie and celebrate her birthday. Right now, Nate is taking a rose to the school and he’ll sit with her at lunch in the cafeteria.

She’s being a sport.

Monday, April 3rd, 2006

He’s here! He’s here!

Clark (no middle name yet) was born at 5:55 pm. He’s a whopping 8 lbs. 15 oz., 22 inches, and cries like nobody’s business!

Mom is also doing well. Here are some pictures…



Monday, April 3rd, 2006

It’s now a nine

Just so you know. Moving fast now…

Monday, April 3rd, 2006

And now, a brief note from a certain Mr. Finch…

Hello, Finchy readers! This is Laura’s husband, reporting from the hospital. At present, we’ve been admitted, checked, IV’ed, epiduraled, re-checked, re-re-checked, and Laura is resting comfortably. We’re currently dilated somewhere between a 6 and a 7, 100% effaced, and all is moving forward well. If it goes the way we expect it to, baby should be joining us within the next couple of hours.

We’ll keep you all posted! Thanks for all your well-wishes!

Monday, April 3rd, 2006


Nate’s picking up the girls from school right now. My friend Gayle is coming over to be with them. We’re heading into the doctor’s office to be checked. I’ve been timing for almost 2 hours, and they’re lasting well over a minute. If I’m standing, they come right on top of each other, and if I’m laying down, they’re 4-6 minutes apart. And they hurt.

Last night, the nurse at the hospital told me to come in if they were regular at 7 minutes, because they have in my chart that I progress fast once it gets going.

Of course, I may show up and have them tell me that I’ve made no progress and that my contractions really aren’t that strong. I hate it when they say that.

But, I’m thinking this’ll be my last post before having some REAL news.

I hope.