Friday, March 31st, 2006

Health Group- Year 2, week 43

Good morning. No March baby for me I guess. We’re both still here.

Shopping was fabulous yesterday, and I’m still feeling more or less patient. Olivia isn’t, however. The first thing she did this morning was come into my room and complain that the baby wasn’t born yet.

We’re all waiting.

I am having some pain this morning. It’s focused on the sides of my abdomen, and across the top of my low back, and it comes in waves. I haven’t been timing it. If it progresses, I might pay more attention, but for now, I’m ignoring it. It’s happened a few times in the last few days.

Health Group-

what’s going on out there? Anything? I’ve only gained about 10-14 pounds, depending on the day. I figure that when the baby comes and I lose all the extra fluids, I’ll weigh less than I did before the pregnancy. I’ll enjoy seeing the scale, but I’m sure I’ve only lost muscle mass, and probably increased in flab.

That’s not going to be pretty.

Friday, March 31st, 2006

Patience, resignation, or distraction?

But before we get into that, here’s a picture.


This is the wild fireplace I mentioned yesterday. I know some of you will hate it. That’s fine. We like it. It has grown on us.

No stinking contractions. No stinking labor.

Yesterday, I bounced on my exercise/birthing ball. When I got tired of that, I rotated in circles while sitting on it. Then when that got old, I did laundry. The laundry actually did more for tightening the abdomen than the other stuff did. Still, nuthin’.

I was grumpy yesterday. Today, I don’t really care. Maybe it’s because I’ve given up on trying to shoot for a time my doctor will be on call. Maybe it’s because I’m a little more patient.

Or maybe, it’s because I’m going shopping today and therefore have something else to think about.

I’d like to think I’m growing as a person and have attained a higher level of patience in the last day or so, but really, we all know it’s the shopping.

Tonight and tomorrow, I’ll most likely be bouncing on that ridiculous ball again.