Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005

Welcome to being pregnant!

Insert big hyper-tension-something-or-other-medical-term-here.

So, I’m fine I guess. They took some blood to test for blood sugar issues, anemia, and thyroid function, but the doctor said that I’m fine. He suggests getting up as much as I can, gradually, because staying down will only exacerbate the situation. He wants me to make sure I’m getting enough fluids, and he wants me to do a dietary change.

Which I expected.

But when I asked if he had any flyers or lists of recommended meals, he suggested looking at the South Beach Diet and the Weight Watchers programs with the intent to balance out proteins and good carbs.

Now don’t freak out. He hasn’t said a word about losing weight, and he isn’t putting me on a diet. He’s talking about balancing out blood sugar spikes. He said it will help me to be more resilient to being vertical.

I didn’t know much about the South Beach diet. I had heard it was similar to Atkins, without being as radical. Nate bought the book for me on the way home from work last night, and I spent a few hours reading it. The interesting thing is that with very few exceptions, and avoiding the extremes, it falls right into place with my dietary philosophy already.

That made me happy.

The nice thing is that the book gives a lot of variety and practical application in following that philosophy, which I didn’t have before.

It also spent a lot of time trying to convince me of things I already knew based on personal experience, which I discussed rather extensively in the first year of Health Group posts, if I’m remembering accurately.

So, off to modify the South Beach diet to be appropriate for pregnancy I am. And I’m pretty happy. I think the baby is, too, because he’s been kicking the heck out of me all last night and this morning.

We got to hear the heartbeat yesterday. It was Nate’s first time with this baby, and it was neat.

I’m planning on keeping a food journal, just to make sure the doctor approves of my implementation. I’ve been so infused with “Don’t Diet While Pregnant” from every book, magazine, and person with an opinion for so many years, that I want to make sure I’m being smart.

But I’m not too worried.

Thank you all for your comments and concern. Some of you made mention of my delusion about being on bed rest. My neighbor gave me what-for (in her politic and polite way) last night, and told me that while I am certainly doing considerably less than I normally do, it is her opinion that I am still doing a whole lot more than I realize.

Well, fine. I guess I am. But I’m still laying on the couch most of the time and neglecting personal hygiene. That seemed like a form of bed rest to me.

However, I’ve been told now to avoid laying down all the time if I can help it. So there we are.

I didn’t get any knitting done yesterday, what with the chiropractor, shuttling kids, the doctor appointment, and reading about how to eat.

Shut up. I’m aware that yesterday wasn’t a bed rest day.

Oh, and Abby took a spill last night and mangled her glasses as much as she possibly could have without breaking them. In fact, the woman trying to bend them back into shape at Lens Crafters was amazed she didn’t break them, and studied Abby’s face intently to see how she managed to pull through with both eyeballs still in their sockets.

Quite frankly, I think she was also trying to see if there was any sign of mishandling on our part, if you know what I mean.

She has a little welt on her cheek, and thankfully, that’s all. I wasn’t sure the glasses would be fixable, neither was the lady working on them. One of the lenses was half popped out, both nose pad things were flattened, and everything else was going off in unnatural directions.

But all is well.

As for crescent rolls…. My neighbor suggested calling Pete, since he knows how to do it, and asking for his assistance if I absolutely HAVE to make them. But she more strongly recommends buying dinner rolls at a store and even went so far as to make phone calls to local bakeries on my behalf.

I’m so loved.

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005

I guess it’s about time

I was talking with one of Olivia’s classmate’s moms yesterday… and I wasn’t even saying that much, but we were talking about how I’m doing, and how I’m basically on self-imposed bed rest, and I guess something I said sounded bad. So, she asked when Nate was getting home, what my doctor had said about it, and that I was scaring her.

Well, I hadn’t talked to my doctor about it, but after hanging up the phone with the mom, I decided that calling him wouldn’t be a bad idea. So I did. They told me to go to the ER, and I said no. I’ve been this way for months, I didn’t think the ER was warranted. So I have an appointment with my doctor today.

The thing is, that although I haven’t had this experience in a pregnancy before, it still is somewhat common for pregnant moms to feel dizzy, blackout sometimes, have difficulty breathing, pounding heartbeats, etc.

Stop that, it is.

Plus, this is my 4th pregnancy. And while it’s different than my others, by the 4th time, you just don’t freak out about things like you do with the first one. It’s like, I’ve been here, DONE this, and I’m just biding my time.

Well, the nurse and nurse practitioner said that if I’m blacking out, my brain isn’t getting enough oxygen. Hence, neither is the baby.

Hadn’t thought of that.

They are going to check a bunch of stuff out today, and she said something about prescribing bed rest.

To which I responded that I’ve been on bed rest (for the most part) since I was 9 weeks.

Anyway, I’m going to the doctor today. I don’t exactly know what to expect, but I am surprised that they’re making a biggish kind of deal out of this. However, I haven’t talked to my doctor yet. So far, it’s been the nurses only.

I’m kind of expecting to be put on a strict diet. I’ve always felt that my symptoms were blood sugar related, but I haven’t been able to figure out what to eat to help myself. I’m hoping that they’ll enlighten me.

It remains to be seen whether or not I’ll be allowed to make a zillion crescent rolls for Thanksgiving dinner, as I have for the last 6 years. It’s come to be expected, particularly with some of Nate’s siblings. Everybody loves the crescent rolls.

In fact, Pete emailed me from Italy on his first Thanksgiving there, and asked for a detailed recipe and “how to” for crescent rolls. Apparently, they were a big hit, and he spent quite a few afternoons in various italian kitchens, showing women how to make them. The funny thing is that the italians kept trying to change the recipe, mainly adding oil instead of butter, and were surprised when they didn’t turn out the same.

Anyway, back to Thanksgiving, I’m guessing the gingerbread turkeys are out of the question.

I started an Esther Williams yesterday, and I’m timing myself. It’s another red one, and I’m 2 hours into it.


Anyone else start theirs yet?