Saturday, September 17th, 2005
Health Group- Year 2, week 15
Hey. How’s it going? I’m still sick. Want to hear an awful story? It will only be truly awful to those of you who have gone through it (or something similar), because you’ll be able to feel my pain.
Yesterday, I wanted to make popcorn. We pop popcorn in oil in a saucepan on the stovetop. I put the oil in, put the single kernel in the pan to let me know when the oil was hot enough, and then got bored and went to read emails. I forgot about the pan and the oil and the popcorn and the fact that I ever wanted any.
When I finally surfaced, the house was filled with smoke and the oil in the pan was thick and black. It smells in my house. It will go away eventually (I’ve burned plenty of things in the past, and the smell always dissipates), but it smells, and I can’t stand it. I am SO scent sensitive when I’m pregnant. As if I needed anything else to turn my stomach! This is killing me, and it’s not fair.
So, no healthy post from me, but please, talk amongst yourselves.