Tuesday, August 16th, 2005
No way!
Both sleeves to the VCC are finished, and look like crap, I might add. Re-knitting with wrinkled, frogged yarn is the pits.
Once I get home and block them, they should look much better.
Cable-Eight is finished! Yes, you read that right. It’s DONE, baby! You’ll hopefully get to see her on Friday. I will undoubtedly spend the rest of the week trying to get a decent picture of myself in it.
So, I’m back to Veronica’s Kimono. I haven’t quite run out of yarn yet, so I figure I’ll keep working on it until I do. Then it’ll have to wait until I can get back to my LYS to get more. Fortunately, they still have the yarn, and they’re holding a skein for me. I’ll have you know that the pattern is wrong. I bought the right amount of yarn for the size up from the one I’m knitting, and I still ran out. Not my fault, I tell you.
Finally, I thought I’d show you Abner’s accommodations on the trip.
Poor guy. He’s been a peach about it. We bring his kennel up and put it on the large, covered front porch, then cover it with a wool blanket. He seems to prefer being covered. Because of some serious allergies in the extended family, he isn’t allowed inside, but his kennel sits on the other side of the sliding glass door, so he gets to watch us all week. Like I said earlier, he’s a dear about it. He is so quiet, doesn’t whine or bark at all, and when we let him out, he bounds around happily and chases/chews on the sticks that we throw for him. He doesn’t run off. Quite frankly, despite being kenneled a lot, I think he enjoys being here, too. What a sweetheart.
As it turns out, I haven’t had the nerve to take him to the beach. I’ve discovered that I’m probably the only person alive that respects leash laws, and because of an incident when he was a puppy (when he was on a leash and the other psycho dog that attacked him wasn’t), he is extremely anti-social with other dogs. I just can’t handle the constant stress of worrying about some loose dog showing up and approaching us, because now, I have to worry about what Abner will do. Grrr. Seriously, it’s to the point where every single time I take him out in public, there’s an off leash dog that wants to come over. What is wrong with people?
Ok, ok, I don’t want to end on that note, so I’ll just say again that, “I’M DONE WITH CABLE-EIGHT!!!”