Tuesday, July 12th, 2005
Help for Hayden?
Once again, we need your help. You all have proved very helpful in the past, so I will continue to turn to you when in a jam. Fortunately for me, it is not my jam this time. My dear, sweet and adorable friend Hayden is in a pickle. She is trying desperately to finish her Weasley Sweater in time for the release of Book 6. (Now would not be a good time to laugh and snort, she’s in trouble. Rally ’round). The poor thing has run out of yarn. She is using that “kit” bought and shipped from the UK, and she’s making it in the maroon color. Does anyone happen to either know where she can get more, or have any left over that you wouldn’t mind sporting her way?
Nothing exciting going on here. Yesterday was spent amidst mountains of laundry, and unfortunately, it looks to continue today. I haven’t been knitting. I haven’t been inspired. Maybe I need to find something new to excite? Any suggestions? I should probably do as Jessica did, and show you my stash to more effectively ask you to pick a project for me, but that would take way too much effort.
I made hummus again yesterday. This is my fourth batch. I love the stuff, but I can’t seem to find those yummy pita chips ANYWHERE! It’s making me crazy. I drug 3 young kids into Costco on Monday to find a pair of shoes and pita chips. They had neither. Those of you who have children and know the store of which I speak may now pity me….
No, keep going. I deserve more than that.
Right. I wanted to cry.
I can find their wretched SOY chips lot of places, but not the pitas. So for now, I will continue to eat my yummy hummus on celery sticks which, while not quite pita chips, are still very good.