Wednesday, July 6th, 2005
Back to the Kimono
I haven’t blocked the Shoalwater yet. I think I’m scared. Maybe it’s denial. I don’t know, but it’s still waiting to be soaked and blocked.
I finally finished the stitch markers that need to go out, wrote the remaining cards, addressed and sealed them, stamped the stateside envelopes, and the internationals are waiting to be hauled to the post office. I will ship them all out tomorrow. You can count on that, and I’m sorry again for being a flake. That being said, Janet, I haven’t done yours yet. Soon though, soon. And then there’s the marker sets I just committed to making for the Marker Mania Swap (see sidebar for button). Those aren’t done either.
Now I’m back to knitting on Veronica’s Kimono. I’m second guessing myself on the size I chose. And if I have to rip this one, I will be very sad, because knitting tight garter stitch on size 4 needles takes a very, very long time. The fact that it’s a wrap-around sweater knit in one piece is contributing to the lack of speed, I’m sure.
And I STILL have to finish felting mom’s clogs. After the serious public ribbing I dished out to my mom a month ago, they remain dry and half felted on my bedroom floor. Sorry mom, :-). (UPDATED to clarify that mom sent me her measurements a month ago, and I’m the one slacking. In case there’s any confusion).
If there’s anyone else out there I need to apologize to, please accept my apology, and remind me of what it is I’ve committed to do for you so I can get on it. Because I’m sure I’ve forgot.
This post might sound a bit a bit melodramatic. I’m fine, I’m just cleaning house, so-to-speak.