Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

Have a picture of a dog

After finishing half of the i-cord edging on the Shoalwater Shawl, I realized I had worked it too tight. This isn’t really my fault, as traditionally i-cord is supposed to be pulled tight to get the “tube” effect. Anyway, it was too tight, so I frogged and re-did. No pictures. Wanna see my dog?


And to those of you who haven’t received your stitch markers yet… I’m so sorry! I will finish them up and send them out as soon as I can. Promise.

Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

Am I ever going to get a good night’s sleep again?

It sure doesn’t feel like it. After the drive-in last week, which took days to recover from, and my weekend away where we stayed up ’til 2:30 am, and then 1 am, and then the 4th when we stayed up late watching fireworks and playing with these…..



I am AMAZINGLY tired. Either life is too fun, or I am too old.


The chosen color is Jade. They were all nice, and I wasn’t expecting to choose Jade when I held the vote, but out of all of them, it was the color that brought out the most vibrancy in the rest of the shawl. Plum made the shawl look muddied, and the Kiwi was a little too stark as to overpower, which wasn’t apparent in yesterday’s photo. The Jade really enhances the Noro. It’s lovely, and you’ll get a good look once the shawl is done and blocked. I’m working on the i-chord edging along the top right now, then I’m done.