Monday, July 4th, 2005

Happy 4th of July!

Hey! I’m back from the cabin. Had a great time. Caught crabs and starfish.


I really wish the color was better in that photo. The starfish was a wonderful red color, and the little tentacle things were bright yellow. I’m hoping it survived. The crab was totally freaking out, and before we could get them both out of the trap to throw back into the water, it sort of latched onto the poor starfish with its pinchers. It was seriously traumatic. For me.

As is the habit at the cabin, we ate mountains of food, breathed the salty, ocean breeze and relaxed. It was glorious. I finished the main part of the shawl and am currently working on the picot edging. (It took me quite awhile to figure out exactly how to do it. Written instructions are always subject to interpretation). I decided to try each of the three most popular colors…


Tomorrow, you’ll see which one I chose. Thank you all so much for your votes. Plum definitely wins the Reader’s Choice award, followed by Kiwi, then Jaded Dreams. Bulldog Blue and Noro were left in the dust.