Sunday, June 12th, 2005
swatching sweaters & shawls
I don’t have any pictures, but I’ve been busy. I’m still working on the cable dress doll. She needs to be stuffed and she needs her appendages, face, and hair. I won’t know if she works until she’s stuffed.
I’ve FINALLY swatched for the Harry Potter sweater! I’m using Silky Tweed by Elsebeth Lavold, and I’m knitting with size 6 bamboo needles. I still don’t have the perfect color for the “H”, and it looks like there’s a new color out that will work. Does anyone happen to have it? Depending on which website I look at, it’s either color #11 or #12. Whichever of those colors isn’t green. I’m looking for a light, straw yellow. I only need one ball. I will trade for it. Can anyone help me?
I was at the yarn store Friday night, as always, and while looking through shawl patterns, I came across this…
Here’s the link if you’re interested. While it looks to be a very easy shawl, and it should be, it’s kicking my butt. I’m knitting it in Noro’s Silk Garden. It isn’t quite what I wanted in terms of texture, but it’s the only yarn available to me that will stripe the way I want it to. I’m looking for a warm, blanket type shawl, and this one should do nicely.
To be honest, before deciding to try the Noro, I was giving serious thought to dying my own. I even brought home a book before deciding I was insane and went for the Noro. (I’ll get to the book, someday).
I’ll have pictures tomorrow, I promise.