Monday, May 30th, 2005

Incredulation, appreciation, nearing completion, and 24

Some title, eh? Well, let’s start at the beginning.

I finally picked up Cable-Eight again. I looked around for a pillow to slip it over, as suggested by Barbara Rita in the comments on the 13th. Since I didn’t see one I liked for the job, I decided to slip it over me instead. It fit! A little snug, sure, but it fit well enough for me to think that I can wear it at this weight as well as a thinner weight, so I’m going to leave it as is. I must be a completely incompetent measurer. Thank you all for making me take a second look. (That was “incredulation” and “appreciation”).

Now, for “nearing completion”…


I did a whole mess of knitting on the second Flower Basket Shawl yesterday. I have one more chart repeat to do, then the edging. I tried to spice up the photo a little by showing you the pretty Lantern Moon bag I’m carrying the yarn around in, and my foot.

And finally, 24…

Ok, we don’t watch much television around here. Like, at all. In fact, it has only been in the last couple of months that my children learned what a commercial was, and they learned it at someone else’s house. We watch movies, old TV shows we buy on DVD, kid stuff on PBS, and… that’s it.

Well, Nate has recently discovered 24. When there’s down time at work, he and his resourceful co-worker, Dave, entertain themselves on the computer by finding movies, insane internet stuff, and now, the show 24. They watched the 4th season last week, and now Nate has brought home the 1st season on a hard drive that plugs quite conveniently into the television. We’ve been staying up late (contributing to my being sick I’m sure) watching 4 or so episodes a night. It’s intense. I can’t believe how long this stupid show is. I know it’s 24 episodes at over 40 minutes a piece, but it feels like a movie that doesn’t know how to end. It’s gripping, and enjoyable (except for the more violent parts, which I don’t handle very well), but it feels like it will never end.