Saturday, April 16th, 2005
Health Group- week 44
Good morning. Well, let’s see…. I weighed in pretty heavy this morning. 223. Ugh. I knew I would though. I’ve been quite inactive the past month or so due to being sick, and I haven’t been exercising. This past week was impossible with the trip and all, so I transfer my hopes and intentions to next week. It should go well. I feel extremely motivated. Not just by the scale, but because I feel sluggish and unhealthy. I long for those exercising endorphins again. Plus, I want to hit the weights and start rebuilding muscle. They’ve diminished in the past several months, and I want them back. SO, I am feeling optimistic and happy today.
I’ve caught the juicing bug again. Those of you who have been around might remember that this isn’t new. But I forgot for awhile. It’s jumping into my head again that I need to be juicing and drinking wheatgrass. This means I need to somehow acquire a juicer with wheatgrass capabilities. Does anyone have a good one they can recommend?
Now we’re off to Puyallup for a fiber festival. It’s my first, and I’m very excited!
How was your week?