Monday, October 11th, 2004

Lots of yarn

On Friday, I went to that warehouse that I accidentally discovered while searching for dry ice. Here is the majority of the load.


My friend Gayle bought 24 skeins of assorted colors, and I bought eleven of this


It is a gorgeous taupy/brown color that I have recently fallen in love with. It is the exact same color as the shirt I was wearing when we went there. I bought all they had in that dye lot. They have much more of it in an icelandic unspun wool that I’m going to go back and get for my sister-in-law’s poncho. I wanted to make a blanket out of it, but I can’t afford it all right now.

There is a fabulous red I want, and a pale heathery pink, and, and, and….. Lots of good stuff. It isn’t as amazing a deal as I originally thought though, as it is $3.50 a skein and I saw some comparable yarn at Acorn Street Shop on Saturday for $5.95. Still, it’s cheap. They’ve had it for years, in a box, in their warehouse.

Speaking of Acorn, wow! It was my first time there. It is the best yarn store I’ve ever been to. It’s the only Seattle store I’ve been to, and it kicks all the eastside stores’ butts. The store in Bellevue has a large selection, but they don’t have enough of ANYTHING to make a large project with. They have a few skeins of this, and a few skeins of that. Any yarn I’ve been interested in, I’d have to prepay and special order, then wait for it to come in. What fun is that? Acorn had tons of EVERYTHING. I was in awe. I looked for something to make Abby’s Harry Potter sweater with, and I found some Jo Sharp that was cool, but their blue wasn’t tweedy enough. They had a great maroon, and an excellent color for the letter, but Abby likes Harry, so I’ll keep looking. Acorn is also the first store I’ve been to that has Debbie Bliss’s Alpaca Silk book and yarn. I’ve been wanting to see that in person for a long time. What beautiful stuff! There are only two colors I’d buy for myself, which is good to know. I like the yellow, and the plum. And probably that wine red, which they didn’t have….. I’m rambling.

Ok, so I’ve finished the front to mom’s sweater.


It is definitely a small, cropped little sweater, and it looks really nice. She will probably have to wear a black camisole under it, because the part where the cable meets the bordering purls is kind of loose. It looks fine, but it is a bit see through. Darnit. I’ve begun the first sleeve. There is an insane part of me that wants to finish it before her birthday, which is Thursday, but considering how long the rest of it has taken, it’s not too likely.

I’m thinking I’ll knit a bunch today. I’m feeling mellow, it’s cold and gray outside, and a lazy knitting day sounds most appealing.

Monday, October 11th, 2004

I’m tired

I’m off to physical therapy this morning. When I get back, I’ll post the pictures and progress on mom’s sweater, and I’ll tell you all about that crazy yarn place I told you about on Friday. I think I have some pictures of that, too. Later.