Wednesday, July 28th, 2004
Unfaithful (and liking it)
Before starting this blog a little over two months ago, I was an absolutely dedicated, one project at a time kind of girl. I don’t know if it is a strange coincidence, or if blogging has somehow corrupted me, but now it seems I’m entertaining a couple different WIP’s at any given time. At first, I was quite disappointed in myself, but I’m starting to see there is some value to simultaneously romancing a few projects. First of all, in the case of my mom’s sweater, my hands will sometimes need a break before my knitting time expires, so having a second project with an easier yarn is beneficial. Second, blogging about one large project, inch by inch, day by day, could become tiresome for both me and any visitors. Third, some projects just travel easier than others. Since I cart my knitting basket around with me wherever I go, having a “travel-able” project is a good thing. Most everything I’ve knit could be taken out and about, but there have been a few…
An aside–Personally, and despite popular public opinion, I do not find socks to be good traveling projects at all. (Listen to that, I can almost hear your “virtual” gasps.) All those little double pointed needles, pointing in all different directions, holding little stitches, made with little yarn… I just don’t get it. When I take a sock with me, I have surgery to perform every time it comes out of the bag. Stitches fall off ends, yarn with an apparent mind all it’s own begins wrapping itself around the points of each needle like those string art projects you do in early elementary school. Not for me, thanks.
So here I am, knitting multiple projects. I am happy to say that it has not yet gone to extremes. Just a couple floating around seems to be enough, and I’m ok with that.
Also, check it out…… I was a code monkey again! Now I’ve got a rudimentary WIP section. Little things bring big pleasure to a simple mind.