Saturday, June 12th, 2004
Health Group
I have been struggling with weight loss for a decade. Nate thinks that a support group would be beneficial, so in January, I started one. It has never really taken off, and now I think it is officially dead, so I’ve decided that on Saturday mornings, I’m going to indulge myself a little bit and post a weekly report. For the brief period of time the Health Group was meeting, I found it a weekly renewel of dedication and optimism. It was much more helpful than I expected. (That husband of mine is a smart one). In the group, we each had a turn to report the exercising we had done for the week, any fabulous healthy meals we had discovered, and an opportunity to give a weight update.
What does this have to do with knitting? A lot, actually. The magazines and books of knitting patterns that I have and see are full of great clothes. None of which will fit me. It drives me crazy that I can’t knit myself clothes. This is a great motivation for me. Once I shrink enough, this blog is going to be full of great clothing posts.
I am opening this up to anyone that would like to participate. If you are interested, please post whatever you would like to share in the comments each Saturday. Regardless, I am going to participate, even if I am alone. At some point, I will have a section in the side bar, charting my progress.
Before I post my report, I’ll give a little bit of background:
In a perfect world, and what I am constantly trying to do is a) drink 12-16 cups of water a day; b) get at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity 4-5 days a week; and c), lift weights 6 days a week. I have a 30 minute workout for both upper and lower body on my weights, and I alternate them. Mon, Wed, and Friday I do upper body. Tues, Thurs, and Saturday, I do lower body.
Health-wise, I eat whole grains, I am trying to learn more about and more fully incorporate sprouts into my diet, and I hope to buy a juicer sometime soon. I want to juice wheatgrass, among other things.
SO, here goes….
This week, I did a Hula workout video on Tuesday. On Thursday, I did a full body workout with weights, upper and lower. I’m hoping to get some aerobics and weights in today also. This is not up to par for me. I missed Mon, Wed, and Fri. I’ve also eaten quite a bit of birthday cake and Thai curry recently. I need to step it up again. May was a great month. June has been sliding.
I don’t count my glasses of water anymore, I’m just in the habit of drinking one glass per hour.
This morning, I weighed in at 231 1/2 lbs. I started this year at 245, so I’m down almost 15 pounds so far.